Display loading image when changing img src attribute using angular 2+


Viewed 353 times


I’m starting to use 2+ angler and I’m having a little problem

In an application I am developing I am changing the image atirbuto src for a variable that controls the image url q should be displayed

I would like to display a loading image when I change the src value of the image, it would be something like

  1. Click to change image;
  2. Start the loading image;
  3. Image that should be displayed starts to be loaded
  4. Image that should be displayed ends being loaded
  5. Some loading;
  6. Image appears where it should.

How can I do that ? Is there any event that is triggered when the image starts to load?

UPDATE 1. I made some changes got something that is functional, in case someone has a better solution I am grateful. follows code


<img src='/assets/img/loading.
     [style.display]="!loading ? 'none' : 'block'"/>

<img [src]="modeloSelecionado.modelo_imagem"
     [style.display]="loading ? 'none' : 'block'"
     (loadstart)="loading = true"
     (load)="loading = false" /> 


private _loading: boolean = true;

public get loading(): boolean {
    return this._loading;

public set loading(value: boolean) {
    this._loading = value;
  • Welcome to Stack Overflow, can you input your code? https://answall.com/help/mcve

  • Thanks for the welcome. I updated the code and a momentary solution I’m using. If you know a better way to solve this problem, I’m grateful :)

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