Some libraries do not appear in the dependency search list


Viewed 77 times


When we go to the Project Structure configuration menu, the app configuration, and Dependencies, we can add some libraries to a list or search. But it is not any library that appears. For example when I search for Volley, it does not appear in this list.

Does anyone know how to put more items on this list? Sometimes I forget how is the library link to put in Gradle, and wanted an easier method for every time starting a new project, could add easier through this menu.

Does anyone know how I can do that? I’m sorry if I couldn’t explain it properly.

Below I leave an image to show on the screen I’m talking about.

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  • You can add new repositories to gradle:

  • Thanks for replying @Valdeirpsr, but if I put in Gradle it will appear in any new project I create? I don’t know much English, and the translation is not so clear to me. I have doubts about how to do this in android studio, if I put a specific menu, I put in my project’s Gradle and automatically serve for everyone, and how do I get the links from the repositories? If it’s not too much trouble, could you give me a more detailed answer? Forgive my ignorance on the subject.

1 answer


By what I am given to understand the search only works for libraries whose identifier begins with or

So you need to know the full library identifier to add it.
Note that even if you enter the full identifier it does not appear in the search result, however it will be added when you click on OK.

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  • 1

    Poxa, well that the android studio could facilitate, leaving add other repositores to search in this listing. I hope they improve this in the next versions.

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