Mysql Query with recursive N levels


Viewed 1,539 times


I have the following query

    select  id,
from    (select * from users
         order by user_id, id) users,
        (select @pv := '2') initialisation
where   find_in_set(user_id, @pv) > 0
and     @pv := concat(@pv, ',', id)
select  id,
from users where id = 2

And here are some fake values for this table.

1   Main User   0
2   User A      1
3   User B      1
4   User C      2
5   User D      2
6   User E      2
7   User F      4
8   User G      4
9   User H      1
10  User I      1
11  User J      2

The query works, but I need the results to be nested and sorted by user level.

In the query example, I passed ID 2, so the result should come like this:

2. User A
 ___ 4. User C
    ___ 7. User F
    ___ 8. User G
 ___ 5. User D
 ___ 6. User E
 ___ 11. User J

Can be with __ in the result, no problem. The important thing is to have this tree scheme.

Thank you.

2 answers


In mysql, in versions >= 8, you can use a CTE (Common Table Expressions), which can be recursive. I made an example:

with recursive aux (id , nome , user_id , i  , seq ) as
    coalesce(user_id,0) as user_id,
    CAST('' AS CHAR(100)) as i,
    cast(LPAD(id,3,'0') as char(100)) as seq
    from users where id = 2


    concat(x.i , '  '),
    concat(x.seq , '.',LPAD(,3,'0')) as seq
    from users c
INNER JOIN aux x ON c.user_id =

x.user_id as pai,
concat(x.i,'__ ',,'. ', x.nome) as raiz,
from aux x order by seq;

I put in the Db-Fiddle (Sqlfiddle does not support)


Resultado DBFiddle

Using Id 2 as reported in the example:

Resultado DBFiddle

ps. Also displayed the field seq I use to sort the records.

As Jefferson Quesado mentioned in the comments, he has an answer HERE that makes an example of another similar situation, in addition to directing to the mysql blog on CTE (Common Table Expressions)


This will not appear this way in mysql only in another language as it requires indentation as html offers lists

function dba_buscaproximo($id_pai = null) {
    $sql = "SELECT *
            FROM `ingredientes`
            WHERE id_pai = {$id_pai} order by nome";
    $consulta = mysql_query($sql);
    return $consulta;

function dba_buscapai($id_filho = null) {
    $sql = "SELECT *
            FROM `ingredientes`
            WHERE id_ingrediente = {$id_filho} order by nome";

    $consulta = mysql_query($sql);
    return $consulta;




This is a recursive call where I search for the next child while there are still children inside that parent is a big loop that should be solved in a programming link and not in mysql.

Code taken from my TCC =D

function buscafilho($id_pai = 0) { 

    $consulta = dba_buscaproximo($id_pai);

    if (mysql_num_rows($consulta) > 0) {
        if ($id_pai != 0) {
            echo "<ul>";
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($consulta)) {

            echo '<li>';

            echo $row["nome"];

            echo '</li>';

        if ($id_pai != 0) {
            echo "</ul>";
  • The use of query and sub query instead of select and sub select is apparently not as attractive and is not the best performance, correct?

  • If you notice what I used, it’s a recursion, which means while I have kids, I build, however sub query for this specific problem is meaningless because I need to build the hierarchy of the items inside the li or with a subquery inside a query I have no way to make this construction of the items but this reason for this situation I have checked this recursion.

  • @Eliseub. if you notice is not query and sub query is query + query based on a build recursion can be used for menus. Reviving a 2018 topic is really worth it?

  • Yes, it’s worth it if you’re at Sopt, and if it’s around here it’s debatable, quality above all in the community, I even did tests around here and had a great performance with up to 100,000 records I have in a test database. Hug

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