Migration from Local BD to Mysql BD


Viewed 54 times


I am working on an ASP.NET WEB page with MVC and I have made all model, control and display settings in Visual Studio 2017 and the same created a Local BD by SQL Server Localdb to store the data but there is an automated function that migrates the table to a Mysql BD?

1 answer


Install the Mysql Nector in your project. Download it through the official website: Connector Mysql

In your file web config. add the property below the closing of the property appSettings. This property defines your connection string in the project. Example: <connectionStrings> <add name="nomedasuastringdeconexao" connectionString="Database=nomedoseudatabase;Data Source=localhost;User Id=seuUsuario;Password=suaSenha;pooling=false" providerName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient" /> </connectionStrings>

  • Thanks for the reply, it worked!!!

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