Export Sqlite Android Database


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I need to export my database Sqlite to a folder on the device on which it will be installed, and every time I open the application, the file ". bd" be updated so that at the end of the month I can convert it to Excel. I just need to find this file or create it because my application is not creating a file folder or a directory in which I can find the Data Base File hers.

I would like to obtain a functional code for export from that bank, as well as step by step, if possible, of the structure of this code for possible errors.

Here is my database:

public class ProdutosBD extends SQLiteOpenHelper{

private static final String DATABASE ="bdprodutos";
private  static final int VERSION = 1;

public ProdutosBD (Context context){
    super(context, DATABASE,null, VERSION);

public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
    String produto = "CREATE TABLE produtos(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT NOT NULL, matricula INTEGER, supervisao TEXT NOT NULL,  material TEXT NOT NULL, quantidade INTEGER);";


public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
    String produto = "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS produtos";
// aqui salva
public void salvarProduto(Produtos produto){
    ContentValues values = new ContentValues();


// metodo alterar concluído ? :D
public void alterarProduto(Produtos produto){
    ContentValues values = new ContentValues();


    String [] args = {produto.getId().toString()};


public void deletarProduto(Produtos produto){
    String [] args = {produto.getId().toString()};

// lista - mostrar

public ArrayList<Produtos> getLista(){
    String [] columns ={"id","matricula","supervisao","material","quantidade"};
    Cursor cursor = getWritableDatabase().query("produtos",columns,null,null,null,null,null,null);
    ArrayList<Produtos> produtos = new ArrayList<Produtos>();

    while (cursor.moveToNext()){
        Produtos produto = new Produtos();

    return produtos;

  • In fact DATABASE you can put the complete path where you want to save your database, ex: DATABASE = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath().concat("/database.db"), but it is necessary to have the permission WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE

  • The way you are doing, Android will save the database in an internal folder and only devices with root, will be able to access.

  • OK Valdeir, thank you very much. I will try and return :D

  • Okay, another question friend: how will I know in which folder the "/bdprodutos.db" was saved?

  • Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath() returns the memory card path. In the above example, it saves at the root of the card. Or you can use Environment.html.getExternalStoragePublicDirectory

  • Is there a specific place to put the apk file at the time of installation? Because in relation to the code I am doing this way DATABASE = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(). getPath(). Concat("Card Android data/bdprodutos.db") and is not working.

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1 answer


In fact DATABASE you can put the complete path where you want to save your database. Example:

private static final String DATABASE = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath() +
            File.separator + "path" +
            File.separator + "to" +
            File.separator + "database.db";

This way your database will be created in /sdcard/path/to/database.db

  • The problem is that this constant receiving "bdproducts" as it is in the code, is currently called: public Productosbd (Context context){ super(context, DATABASE,null, VERSION); } "bdprodutos" to make the app work. Thus, I believe I will have to assign two values for this constant. One for the Sqlite itself be created in the app, and another for the export. It is possible?

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