Open CSV file and read its contents


Viewed 3,378 times


I have the information from the CSV file on console.log back-end, I would need to access this file and read its contents, some hint?

This is the code snippet from the back end that receives the file:

exports.anexo = function(req, res){

  var arquivo = req.files.uploads;
  var date = new Date();
  var dateTime = date.getTime();

  var fileList = [];
    if(arquivo != undefined){
        for(var i=0; i < arquivo.length; i++){
            if(arquivo[i].originalFilename != undefined){
                var url_arquivo = dateTime + '_' + arquivo[i].originalFilename;
                var tipo_arquivo = arquivo[i].type;
                var path_origem = arquivo[i].path;
                var path_destino = './uploads/' + url_arquivo;

                var File = {
                    url_arquivo: url_arquivo


And here’s the part of the code on the front end that reads the file and sends it back-end

anexaArquivos(fileList : File[]) : Promise<any> {
    console.log('chamou a função no regiao.service')
    return new Promise((resolve, reject ) => {
      let formData : FormData = new FormData()
      let xhr : XMLHttpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest()

      if(fileList.length > 0){
        for( let i = 0; i < fileList.length; i++){
          formData.append("uploads[]", fileList[i], fileList[i].name);
      xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
          if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
              if (xhr.status === 200) {
              } else {
      }'POST', `${SES_API}/regiao/importar`, true);
      xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', `Bearer ${this.userService.sessao.accessToken}`);

1 answer


There is a stop called D3.js that serves to help you use data, you can use it by adding:

<script src=""></script>

(here is the github link with information about D3

That’s a pretty easy way to put the line src above after you just use:


Where file is the name of the file with end . csv and function is a function you will create where you will run what you want.

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  • I solved with Filereader and Readastext, but I will search on D3, thanks!!

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