Lambda expression to return a Person in the repository - DDD and Aspnet.Core


Viewed 120 times


I have a table Person who has one-to-one relationship with the tables PessoaFisica and PessoaJuridica.

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When I pass the id, it has to check me if nature is physical or legal and bring me the person + pessoafisica or pessoajuridica (The person can only be one of the two). How do I mount a lambda expression for this? Below, I have one that I’m trying to ride:

public Pessoa GetJoinById(int id)
            var pessoa = Db.Pessoa.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);
            pessoa.(x =>
                if (x.PessoaNatureza == PessoaNatureza.Fisica)
                        .Reference(f => f.PessoaFisica)
                        .Reference(j => j.PessoaJuridica)

            return null;
  • It was I who posted this in another question but, it’s different, it’s wrong this! What is your doubt?

  • 1

    Yes, Virgilio. I think it was you... In that case, I was trying to send a list and it worked 100% I need to adapt for him to do the same, only sending only one person.... I don’t know how to lick.. Only sql....

2 answers


By means of that my answer, can bring a Pessoa with the reference if it is PessoaFisica or PessoaJuridica as follows:

public Pessoa GetJoinById(int id)
    var pessoa = Db.Pessoa.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);
    if  (pessoa != null)
        if (pessoa.PessoaNatureza == PessoaNatureza.Fisica)
                .Reference(f => f.PessoaFisica)
                .Reference(f => f.PessoaJuridica)
        return pessoa;

    return null;
  • 1

    Thank you again Virgilio!!!


Don’t you have a field in the table that indicates the document? Like CPF or CNPJ?

Try to do this:

var pessoa = Db.Pessoa.Where(x => x.PessoaId == id).FirstOrDefault();
if (pessoa.Natureza == PessoaNatureza.Fisica){
    //carrega para pessoa fisica
    //carrega para pessoa juridica
  • Thank you for your contribution Gabriel!!!

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