Jquery, append vanishing


Viewed 88 times


good afternoon! My Jquery is adding the results obtained via ajax and they are disappearing. What might be happening? And how to solve? Thank you

var _urlSearchInput;
var _urlSearch; 


    _urlSearchInput = $('#campo-busca').val();
    _urlSearch = window.location.origin + "/search/" + _urlSearchInput + "/";

        url: _urlSearch,
        dataType: "json",
        type: "post",
        success: function(json) {
            var html; 
            var matias = json; 
            if(typeof json == 'string'){ 
                matias = JSON.parse(json); 
            for(item in matias){
                        html += '<div class="media wow fadeInDown animated" style="visibility: visible; animation-name: fadeInDown;">'; 
                        if (typeof matias[item].midias['102x112'] != 'undefined'){
                        html +=     '<a href="#" class="media-left">';
                        html +=         '<img alt="" src="' + matias[item].midias['102x112']  + '">';
                        html +=     '</a>';
                        html +=     '<div class="media-body">';
                        html +=         '<h4 class="media-heading">';
                        html +=             '<a href="'+ matias[item].url +'">' + matias[item].title + '</a>';
                        html +=         '</h4>';
                        html +=         '<p>' + ( !matias[item].description ? '' : matias[item].description) + '</p>';
                        html +=     '</div>';
                        html +='</div>';            

                $('#resultados-busca').append(html.replace("undefined", ""));   
  • tries to remove this class animated looks like it’s an animation of CSS

  • I’ve tried... tried without any CSS class and still nothing.

  • the elements remain in the DOM or are removed? adds a return false; before closing the last key of the success;

  • The elements do not remain in the DOM. They are created and then disappear. I added the Return false before closing the sucess key... nothing has changed. =/

  • can add a feedback from your json for me to do a test here?

  • How should I proceed to simulate this? The data is being passed through an internal server..

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1 answer


I managed to "solve" the issue of the disappearance of the Divs added by append by adding "Event". Now the result is added, however, when I look for something else it adds under the previous result. I’d like him to erase the results of the previous search. How should I proceed?

Thank you

Current code:

    var _urlSearchInput = $('#campo-busca').val();
    var _urlSearch = window.location.origin + "/search/" + _urlSearchInput + "/";

        url: _urlSearch,
        dataType: "json",
        type: "POST",

        success: function(json) {
            var html; 
            var matias = json; 
            if(typeof json == 'string'){ 
                matias = JSON.parse(json); 

            for(item in matias){
                html += '<div class="item fadeInDown">'; 
                if (typeof matias[item].midias['102x112'] != 'undefined'){
                html +=     '<a href="#" class="media-left">';
                html +=         '<img alt="" src="' + matias[item].midias['102x112']  + '">';
                html +=     '</a>';
                html +=     '<div class="media-body">';
                html +=         '<h4 class="media-heading">';
                html +=             '<a href="'+ matias[item].url +'">' + matias[item].title + '</a>';
                html +=         '</h4>';
                html +=         '<p>' + ( !matias[item].description ? '' : matias[item].description) + '</p>';
                html +=     '</div>';
                html +=  '</div>';
                html +=  '<hr>';            
                if(html != "")
                    $("#resultados-busca").append(html.replace("undefined", ""));   

  • Primarily, I advise you not to use the answer field to ask a question, whenever you need it you can edit your initial question. Now as a solution suggestion try using .html() instead of .append() and see what happens.

  • It worked by changing . append() to . html().

  • Thank you very much!!

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