hello, I use Visual Studio Code, I’m a beginner in programming and I wanted a help to assemble snippets in VS Code, I wanted to create snippets for basic functions of C language, like printf and scanf, I’ve looked for exetensions and there is none that I like.
The problem is that when I mount the printf Snippet ("$1 n", $0); it conflicts with the language. json used to create the snippet, because when I use parentheses for the function and n it conflicts with . json and I can’t put the n at the end of the string that the function receives and I can’t even put the " I don’t know if it’s possible to do what I want, but I would love to make it look like the Atom snippets. Here is a screenshot of the conflict error.
always has to be with\"
, which would be one of the problems you have in snippet withprintf
– Isac
thank you, it worked ^^
– Gabriel Maximo