Error when doing Aggregate command with Mongodb $geoNear


Viewed 34 times


I own a collection calling for location with the following data:

    _id: ObjectId("5a900f4af1b7fd855010c0cf"),
    car_id: ObjectId("5a85c26a35fdcf1098c23480"),
    location: {

And I’m trying to make a command aggregate in the mongoshell as follows:

  $geoNear: {
    near: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ -73.99279 , 40.719296 ] },
    distanceField: "dist.calculated",
    includeLocs: "dist.location",
    spherical: true,
    maxDistance: 10000

But I always get this error message:

assert: command failed: {
        "ok" : 0,
        "errmsg" : "geoNear command failed: { ok: 0.0, errmsg: \"error processing query: ns=taxxer.location limit=100Tree: GEONEAR  field=location.location.coordinates maxdist=10000 isNearSphere=1\nSort: {}\nProj: { $...\", code: 2, codeName: \"BadValue\" }",
        "code" : 16604,
        "codeName" : "Location16604"
} : aggregate failed

I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong.

1 answer


I solved the problem by changing the name of my collection where are the location to another.

Apparently the collection cannot have the same attribute name as in the error:


When changing the name to something else, for example, carlocation, the command already works.

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