Users Evaluation System with single notes


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I am developing an employee assessment system for my team. In this case, this system would be done as follows. A user who will evaluate will be able to make 5 reviews only. These 5 ratings may be with grades 1 to 5 and these grades may not be repeated. That is, the reviewer will give the score of 5 to another contributor, but he will not be able to repeat the grade 5 to another contributor.

In this case, I used this SQL test to return the notes that have already been given.

SELECT [nota] FROM [dbo].[tb_result_destaque] WHERE [usr_reg] = 

In this case, I played this query into PHP and made a test to read all the notes that have already been assigned and tried to play it inside an array and using explode to make the comparison. And if the note has already been given, it would leave a disable on the select HTML option.

<option disabled value="1">1</option> 

But not even this part is coming, since with the test, he reads all the notes but I can’t pass all the notes out of While Below is an excerpt of the code I’m trying to elaborate

 $result = $sql->execute($consultaNota); 
   while(!$result->EOF) { 
       $nota = $result->Fields['nota']->Value;
         $notaArray = array($nota); 


In case I put a explode and a foreach between the array and movenext and tried to pass the data out, but as said none worked. I populated the bank and in case the user had already given the notes 1,4 and 5 when I need to pass out the Loop it only shows the 1.

In case what I need to do?

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