Select a div without it having a class or an id?


Viewed 485 times


I’d like to do the following

<div id="teste">
  <div>Teste 1</div>
  <div>Teste 2</div> <---- Quero selecionar esta
  <div>Teste 3</div>

How could I select that div?

Based on @Guilherme Nascimento’s solution, I used his method in this jsfiddle but I didn’t get what I wanted.

For that, there’s a way for me to select even more fundo?

<div id="teste">
  <div>Teste 1</div>
     <img src="esta_nao.jpg" />
     <img src="teste_teste.jpg" /> <---- Quero selecionar esta
  <div>Teste 3</div>
  • You used div::nth-child(3), but it’s only one :, then it should be div:nth-child(3)

3 answers


Use the selector :nth-child(), thus:

var elemento = $("#teste div:nth-child(2)");

<script src=""></script>

<div id="teste">
  <div>Teste 1</div>
  <div>Teste 2</div> <!-- Quero selecionar esta -->
  <div>Teste 3</div>

The nth-child is used in CSS too, ie is not a unique jQuery selector and so will be available for using pure Javascript, for example:

var elemento = document.querySelector("#teste div:nth-child(2)");

<div id="teste">
  <div>Teste 1</div>
  <div>Teste 2</div> <!-- Quero selecionar esta -->
  <div>Teste 3</div>

The :nth-child can select by son’s order, 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on. It can also select more than one element as only odd or even elements, for example:

  • :nth-child(2n+1) will select only the odd child elements
  • :nth-child(2n) will select only the paired child elements

To go deeper just adjust the children of the selector, use the selector #teste > div > img:nth-child(<posição do filho>) for this:

var elemento = $("#teste > div > img:nth-child(2)");

<script src=""></script>

<div id="teste">
  <div>Teste 1</div>
     <img src="esta_nao.jpg" />
     <img src="teste_teste.jpg" /> <!-- Quero selecionar esta -->

Or you can take by src attribute of the image:

var elemento = $("#teste > div > img[src='teste_teste.jpg']");

<script src=""></script>

<div id="teste">
  <div>Teste 1</div>
     <img src="esta_nao.jpg" />
     <img src="teste_teste.jpg" /> <!-- Quero selecionar esta -->

If you wish to take pictures that end with teste_teste.jpg use "#teste > div > img[src$=teste_teste.jpg]", for example this would be caught too:

<img src="/foo/bar/teste_teste.jpg" />

For the dollar sign $ will take everything that ends in teste_teste.jpg

Note: the selector > serves to indicate that the element must be child direct from the previous selector, so here #teste > div > img:

  • <img> shall be the direct child of <div>
  • <div> shall be the direct child of <(elemento) id="teste"></(elemento)> - used (elemento) because the # without an element indicated, it says that any element containing the id can have the child > div then of course the attribute id= can never be repeated in HTML
  • 1

    We seem to think of the same solution, hehe!

  • 1

    I also thought about this method but I had not found a way to put it, I will test and give more information.

  • It worked! Very good explanation.

  • Remembering that to select the odd and pairs we can also use :nth-child(odd) and :nth-child(even)

  • @Jorgematheus yes, these are shortcuts, the idea was to explain the "algorithmism" an+b of the formula used, for example, you can select from 3 to 3 or from 4 to 4

  • @I_like_trains show :D

  • 1

    @Guilhermenascimento yes, very detailed. + 1

  • I edited the question for one more question :

  • @I_like_trains edited the answer

Show 4 more comments


You can do it that way:

    $('#teste div:nth-child(2)').css('background-color','red');
<script src=""></script>
<div id="teste">
  <div>Teste 1</div>
  <div>Teste 2 selecionada</div> <!--<---- Quero selecionar esta-->
  <div>Teste 3</div>


You can select by the text it contains (whole or part):

$("#teste div:contains('Teste 2')").css("color","red");
<script src=""></script>
<div id="teste">
  <div>Teste 1</div>
  <div>Teste 2</div>
  <div>Teste 3</div>

  • Different and functional method. + 1 :)

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