Gentlemen, I’m building a system that has integration with Trello. When performing the following HTTP command:
curl --request GET \ --url 'https://api.trello.com/1/cards/ID_CARD?key=MINHA_KEY&token=MEU_TOKEN'
Me is returned the correct json in the format below:
{ "id": "560bf4dd7139286471dc009c", "badges": { "votes": 0, "viewingMemberVoted": false, "subscribed": true, "fogbugz": "", "checkItems": 0, "checkItemsChecked": 0, "comments": 0, "attachments": 2, "description": false, "due": null, "dueComplete": false }, "checkItemStates": [ ], "closed": false, "dueComplete": false, "dateLastActivity": "2017-06-26T17:39:49.583Z", "desc": "", "descData": null, "due": null, "email": null, "idBoard": "560bf4298b3dda300c18d09c", "idChecklists": [ ], "idList": "560bf44ea68b16bd0fc2a9a9", "idMembers": [ "556c8537a1928ba745504dd8" ], "idMembersVoted": [ ], "idShort": 9, "idAttachmentCover": "5944a06460ed0bee471ad8e0", "manualCoverAttachment": false, "labels": [ { "id": "560bf42919ad3a5dc29f33c5", "idBoard": "560bf4298b3dda300c18d09c", "name": "Visited", "color": "green", "uses": 15 } ], "idLabels": [ "560bf42919ad3a5dc29f33c5" ], "name": "Grand Canyon National Park", "pos": 16384, "shortLink": "nqPiDKmw", "shortUrl": "https://trello.com/c/nqPiDKmw", "subscribed": true, "url": "https://trello.com/c/nqPiDKmw/9-grand-canyon-national-park" }
But I have a custom field in my cards, using the plugin custom Filds and the same is not returned in the above request.
Here’s an example from my card:
I’ve tried using the capture option data plugin, but also I am not returned anything concerning this field.
Who can give this strength I am very grateful.