Doubt in Mysql query


Viewed 127 times


Query that I am using

sum(osh.os_honorarios_valor) as honorario,sum(osh.os_honorarios_os_despesas) as despesas from os so 
inner join os_honorarios osh on so.os_id = osh.os_honorarios_os_id inner join login lo on lo.login_id = so.os_advogado
where so.os_status !=0      


CREATE TABLE `os_honorarios` (
    `os_honorarios_id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `os_honorarios_valor` FLOAT NOT NULL,
    `os_honorarios_os_id` INT(11) NOT NULL,
    `os_honorarios_os_despesas` FLOAT NULL DEFAULT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`os_honorarios_id`)

    `os_data` DATE NOT NULL,
    `os_processo` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    `os_solicitante` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    `os_tipo` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    `os_cliente` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    `os_empresa` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    `os_adverso` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    `os_local` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    `os_comarca` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    `os_advogado` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    `os_preposto` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    `os_documentos` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    `os_status` INT(11) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`os_id`)

CREATE TABLE `login` (
    `login_id` INT(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
    `login_email` VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    `login_password` VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    `login_rule` VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    `login_nome` VARCHAR(150) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
    `login_cpf` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL,
    `login_status` INT(11) NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`login_id`)

Test I took:

INSERT INTO os (os_id, os_data, os_processo, os_solicitante, os_tipo, os_cliente, os_empresa, os_adverso, os_local, os_comarca, os_advogado, os_preposto, os_documentos, os_status) VALUES (1, '2018-09-06', 't', 't', 't', 't', 't', 't', 't', 't', '8', 't', 't', 1), (2, '2018-09-06', 't', 't', 't', 't', 't', 't', 't', 't', '8', 't', 't', 1);

What I’m trying to do: Unite these three tables and make the display .


What’s happening is that when I run this query, instead of returning me the expected, returns me empty, already tried to use left join, but only returned me a single record.

Note: In charge inner join lo.login_id = so.os_advogado, the field login_id receives the ID user as well as in lawyer

  • 1

    It would be clearer if you put an example of database data, the current output, and the desired output.

  • 1

    You see, if you only have records in the OS table, INNER JOIN won’t work, you have to do with LEFT JOIN

  • edit your answer there that worked

  • @Sorack was just editing his reply so I could mark it as the right one

  • @I restored the tulip tree

2 answers


There are some problems in your query, the two main ones are the following:

What is happening is that when I run this query instead of returning me the expected returns me empty...

For INSERT that you presented you have only the table records os, therefore the INNER JOIN no result. You can see in the question "What is the difference between INNER JOIN and OUTER JOIN?" what this really impacts, but for what you presented it will be necessary to use a LEFT JOIN.

... I tried to use left Join but only returned me a single record.

When you use an aggregation function (in your case the function SUM) it is necessary to inform which are the grouping attributes (GROUP BY), otherwise, in the case of MySQL, will always be shown only one line, adding ALL results. In your case everything indicates that you want to group by order of service, therefore the query resulting would be similar to the following:

SELECT os.os_id,
       SUM(osh.os_honorarios_valor) AS honorario,
       SUM(osh.os_honorarios_os_despesas) AS despesas
  FROM os os
       LEFT JOIN os_honorarios osh ON os.os_id = osh.os_honorarios_os_id
       LEFT JOIN login lo ON lo.login_id = os.os_advogado
 WHERE os.os_status !=0
 GROUP BY os.os_id
  • good type now is not returning anything and has two records in the table database @Sorack

  • You can pass the INSERT complete of these two records?

  • Put in your question even, of all tables

  • I put there @Sorack

  • @Sorack, I believe the group by does not solve the problem of the question, which is to bring no data; I think the other answer (error in on of Inner Join) make more sense.

  • 1

    @You have added the LEFT JOIN part after my reply. GROUP BY is related to only one record, so it has to use both LEFT and GROUP.

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It does not return any result because for the examples of the past tables, I see no correlation between the related fields in the following portion of the research:

INNER JOIN login lo ON lo.login_id = os.os_advogado

  • lo.login_id is the user id, os.os_lawyer tmb and the user id

  • So what should be done is a conversion since one field is INT and another a VARCHAR (which for me has a high processing cost), so if it is possible to change the field type, and already create it as foreing_key of the login table.

  • fault my kkk put as whole

  • but that’s not the problem kkk

  • Ué, if the problem was that it did not return anything to me the problem is this Ner Join that was being done wrong, I assume that all data of the three tables are filled correctly.

  • the error was a number of Inner Join factors that should be left Join and GROUP BY was missing

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