How to install plugins in Android Studio?


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How to install plugins to increase Android Studio functions?

Android Studio is a great tool that really helps decrease the time creating apps, but I would like to increase my productivity by adding plugins that automate tasks. After all, that’s what computers are for, right?

1 answer


There are two basic ways to add a plugin in Android Studio. First, you can download in two ways:

  • Download a zip plugin from Github or from Jetbrains
  • Download directly through Android Studio settings

In both ways, you need to install by the same place. In Android Studio go to:

  1. Preferences...
  2. Plugins
  3. Click on Install Jetbrains plugin or Browser Repositories (whatever you prefer)
  4. Search for the Plugin
  5. Click on Install
  6. Restart Android Studio to activate the plugin

If you’ve downloaded a plugin from github or another site, just click on Install plugin from disk in step 3 and follow the remaining steps.

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