Modal Bootstrap and MVC C#


Viewed 154 times


Guys I got a view call Projects that brings a list of projects and need to view the information/detail of each project through a modal Bootstrap. So I created a button that calls a function javascript within the view Projects:

 <a data-toggle="modal"  class="btn btn-default btnDetalhes" data-value="@item.Codigo">Details</a>

$(document).ready(function () {
        $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });
              var id = $(this).data("value");
                $(".btnDetalhes").click(function () {
                    $("#conteudomodal").load("/Documentos/DetalhePrj/" + id, function () {

And this function calls the modal Bootstrap:

<div class="modal fade" id="myModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" >
  <div class="modal-dialog">
    <div class="modal-content">
        <div class="modal-body">
            <div id="conteudomodal">


and through the load("/Documentos/DetalhePrj/") calls the controller that returns a partial view DetalhePrj:

 public PartialViewResult DetalhePrj(int id)
        string PRJCODIGO = id.ToString();         
        ClienteModels ClienteAtivo = (ClienteModels)Session["EmpresaAtiva"];
        ProjetoModel projeto = new ProjetoModel();
        projeto.Codigo = PRJCODIGO;
        List<STRUCTPROJDETALHE> lista = soap.LSTDETALHEPRJ(projeto.Codigo, ClienteAtivo.Loja);
        List<DetalhePrjModel> model = new List<DetalhePrjModel>();

        foreach (STRUCTPROJDETALHE item in lista)
            DetalhePrjModel document = new DetalhePrjModel();
            document.CodigoPrj = item.CODPRJ;
            document.Versao = item.VERPRJ;
            document.Coord = item.COORD;
            document.DescrPrj = item.DESPRJ;

        return PartialView("~/Views/Documentos/_DetalhePrj.cshtml", model);

The problem is that by clicking on buttom it opens the Modal but does not bring any information/detail of the project (modal opens in white). It is as if I am not able to call the controller but I’ve already checked and I don’t know where I’m going wrong.

Does anyone know what it can be?

Now I’m trying to pass two values through buttom for javascript:

<a data-toggle="modal"  class="btn btn-default btnDetalhes" data-value="@item.Codigo" data-value2="@item.Versao">Details</a>

    $(document).ready(function () {

        $.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });             
                $(".btnDetalhes").click(function () {
                    var id = $(this).data("value");
                    var vers = $(this).data("value2");
                    $("#conteudomodal").load("DetalhePrj/" + id, + vers, 
                       function () {

Except that the variable vers is null, it is not pulling the value of buttom.. It is not possible to pass two values through a single buttom?

  • You can try changing your call a little ajax and not use the load, but rather receive the return of the call and play the return in conteudomodal, using the success, knows how to do this?

  • Your data-value is with a line break, check if it was only in the reply post.

  • Debugged and is calling the controller and everything else, the problem is that the ajax call is not getting the value of the variable id buttom, gives that the variable id is Undefined.

  • @Leandroangelo only in the post is with the line break. In the code is straight

  • The id is not picking up because it is outside the . btnDetails click block

  • @Leandroangelo did what you said and it worked. Thank you!!!

  • @Emanuelebaron I was writing the answer with that remark, but I wanted to know if your attribute was also not wrong.

  • @Emanuelebaron, you have solved?

  • @Leandroangelo still not able to pass two values for javascript, have any idea what can be?

  • But your controller receives two parameters?

  • Receives yes... public PartialViewResult DetalhePrj(int id, int vers)

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1 answer


You declared the variable id that should receive the data-value of the details button outside the scope of the click event, so when using it to compose the url in the .load() it is undefined because the $(this).data("value") is not referring to the button. Simply position the statement in the correct location.

$(document).ready(function() {
    cache: false
  //var id = $(this).data("value");
  $(".btnDetalhes").click(function() {
    var id = $(this).data("value");
    $("#conteudomodal").load("/Documentos/DetalhePrj/" + id, function() {
  • Then edit these details in your question, your view and controller

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