LCK_M_IX in SQL Server database


Viewed 229 times


Guys, I have two distinct client bases in SQL Server 2008, and both using the same system, which uses BDE for connection.

I have my own app Scripter to make SQL queries in databases.


On both counts, I execute select * from TABELA for Scripter and try to get into the system, with you no problems.

But if we execute select * from TABELA order by COLUNA desc, and try to get into the system, on one basis I can get in, and on another.

I’m using the sp_WhoIsActive to try to find the problem, and identified that in both databases, the SELECT stays ASYNC_NETWORK_IO.

At the base I can’t get inside it says SELECT is blocking a INSERT.

Select do sp_WhoIsActive


I’ve tried recreating Inddice, shirink from the database and nothing. I compared the bases, and both have the same configuration.


  • I identified the database that generates the lock, the tempdb_allocations and tempdb_current are zeroed in, does it have anything to do with?
  • Another detail is that in the database that does not generate lock, the Space Available is large, and in the database that generates the lock is almost 0 (zero) as shown below

Does not lock Banco de dados que não gera o lock

Gera lock Banco de dados que gera o lock


What you can do to identify the reason for the error?

Additional data (20/02/2018 at 13:25)

I ran sp_lock and the result was:

spid   dbid   ObjId       IndId  Type Resource                         Mode     Status
------ ------ ----------- ------ ---- -------------------------------- -------- ------
51     42     0           0      DB                                    S        GRANT
52     42     0           0      DB                                    S        GRANT
54     76     0           0      DB                                    S        GRANT
55     103    0           0      DB                                    S        GRANT
56     103    0           0      MD   5(1:0:0)                         Sch-S    GRANT
56     103    0           0      DB                                    S        GRANT
56     103    366624349   6      PAG  1:624712                         S        GRANT
56     103    366624349   6      PAG  1:624713                         S        GRANT
56     103    366624349   6      PAG  1:624714                         S        GRANT
56     103    366624349   6      PAG  1:624715                         S        GRANT
56     103    366624349   6      PAG  1:624708                         S        GRANT
56     103    366624349   6      PAG  1:624709                         S        GRANT
56     103    366624349   6      PAG  1:624710                         S        GRANT
56     103    366624349   6      PAG  1:624711                         S        GRANT
56     103    366624349   6      PAG  1:624704                         S        GRANT
56     103    366624349   6      PAG  1:624705                         S        GRANT
56     103    366624349   6      PAG  1:624706                         S        GRANT
56     103    366624349   6      PAG  1:624707                         S        GRANT
56     103    366624349   6      PAG  1:624660                         S        GRANT
56     103    366624349   6      PAG  1:624661                         S        GRANT
56     103    366624349   6      PAG  1:624662                         S        GRANT
56     103    366624349   6      PAG  1:624663                         S        GRANT
56     103    366624349   6      PAG  1:624659                         S        GRANT
56     103    366624349   1      PAG  1:526026                         IS       GRANT
56     103    366624349   6      PAG  1:624716                         S        GRANT
56     103    366624349   6      PAG  1:624717                         S        GRANT
56     103    366624349   0      TAB                                   IS       GRANT
57     103    366624349   0      TAB                                   IX       GRANT
57     103    366624349   6      PAG  1:624717                         IX       WAIT
57     103    0           0      DB                                    S        GRANT
57     103    366624349   1      KEY  (07680471601e)                   X        GRANT
57     103    366624349   2      KEY  (9d8e9d84975e)                   X        GRANT
57     103    366624349   3      KEY  (2fcebe7f747e)                   X        GRANT
57     103    366624349   1      PAG  1:927056                         IX       GRANT
57     103    366624349   2      PAG  1:573725                         IX       GRANT
57     103    1477580302  0      TAB                                   IS       GRANT
57     103    366624349   4      PAG  1:607421                         IX       GRANT
57     103    1938105945  0      TAB                                   IS       GRANT
57     103    366624349   3      PAG  1:582200                         IX       GRANT
57     103    366624349   4      KEY  (da0106a2694d)                   X        GRANT
57     103    366624349   5      PAG  1:617162                         IX       GRANT
57     103    0           0      MD   5(1:0:0)                         Sch-S    GRANT
57     103    366624349   5      KEY  (1d3df3b848ca)                   X        GRANT
58     76     0           0      DB                                    S        GRANT
59     103    0           0      DB                                    S        GRANT
60     103    0           0      DB                                    S        GRANT
61     103    0           0      DB                                    S        GRANT
62     103    0           0      DB                                    S        GRANT
63     103    0           0      DB                                    S        GRANT
66     42     0           0      DB                                    S        GRANT
66     1      1131151075  0      TAB                                   IS       GRANT
67     42     0           0      DB                                    S        GRANT
70     103    0           0      DB                                    S        GRANT
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