Migrate EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH,data) from Mysql to SQL Server


Viewed 264 times


I have a Mysql query that would need to convert to SQL Server.

I tried with datepart SQL Server but it does not maintain the main feature of the Mysql query, which is to maintain the range month by month but also take into account the trainings that extend for more than a month.

Follow the SELECT used in Mysql:

   status_treinamento = 'REALIZADO' 
      '201705' BETWEEN
      EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM treinamentos.data_inicio_treinamento) AND
      EXTRACT(YEAR_MONTH FROM treinamentos.data_fim_treinamento)
      usuario_x_treinamento.id_usuario = usuario.id_usuario
      usuario_x_treinamento.id_treinamento = treinamentos.id_treinamentos;

In SQL Server has remained so far something like:

SELECT count(DISTINCT usuario.id_usuario) as TREINADO,
FROM treinamentos, usuario_x_treinamento, usuario
datepart(YEAR, treinamentos.data_inicio_treinamento) = '2017'
and datepart(YEAR, treinamentos.data_fim_treinamento) = '2017'
AND DATEPART(MONTH, treinamentos.data_inicio_treinamento) = '01'
and DATEPART(month, treinamentos.data_fim_treinamento) = '01'
AND usuario_x_treinamento.id_usuario = usuario.id_usuario
and status_treinamento = 'REALIZADO'
AND usuario_x_treinamento.id_treinamento = treinamentos.id_treinamentos;

But as I had already said, this select is only returning training that began and ended in January 2017. I need to be counted for example training that began in October 2016 and have been completed in August 2017.

  • You could post an example of the data you are trying to use the SQL commands, because then it is clearer to understand how the result was and compare with the result of sqlserver. If you can use a tool like sqlfiddle.com, it’s easier for the community to help you out.

2 answers


Here are suggestions that try to simulate the construction used in Mysql:

-- código #1
where 201705 between 
      (year(treinamentos.data_inicio_treinamento) * 100 + month(treinamentos.data_inicio_treinamento)) and
      (year(treinamentos.data_fim_treinamento) * 100 + month(treinamentos.data_fim_treinamento)) 

or else

-- código #2
where '201705' between 
      convert(char(6), treinamentos.data_inicio_treinamento, 112) and
      convert(char(6), treinamentos.data_fim_treinamento, 112) 
  • thank you very much. I used code #1 and it worked perfectly. Just one question: Which would be the best performance in your opinion?

  • 1

    Matheus, code #2 looks more like Mysql code because it returns string. // With respect to performance, it seems to me that the first step is to assess whether the full WHERE clause is sargable.


You want the period '201705' between the dates of trainings.data_home_training and trainings.data_fim_training

There are some ways to do this, you need to test to see the performance, but could do:

WHERE treinamentos.data_inicio_treinamento >= '20170501'
  AND treinamentos.data_fim_treinamento < '20170601'

another way would be:

WHERE FORMAT(treinamentos.data_inicio_treinamento, 'yyyyMM') >= '201705' 
  AND FORMAT(treinamentos.data_fim_treinamento , 'yyyyMM') <= '201705' 

The function FORMAT tends to be slower, but it depends on the volume of data in your table, it is worth testing.

  • I’m doing some tests with this excerpt you sent me, thanks for the return.

  • Hello @Ricardo-punctual, the excerpt did not work as expected, this code is only bringing me training in a period of a month, what I need is to return the same training N times during the period that it was open for example data_inicio : 01/01/2018 data_fim: 31/03/2018, I need this training to appear in the consultation of January, February and March, because it stretched for 3 months.

  • but this period is out of 201705 right? I believe you need to adapt to the period you want... this example you gave neither in the query of MySQL will return

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