What is `$. extend` and `$.fn.extend`for?


Viewed 577 times


jQuery has the functions $.extend and $.fn.extend.

  • What are they for?
  • How to use them?

2 answers


The function of extend is to copy properties of one or more objects to a target object. That is, it is a utilitarian function, which acts on "normal" objects, nothing specific from jQuery.

var a = { foo:10 };
var b = { bar:20 };
$.extends(a, b);
// a agora possui { foo:10, bar:20 }

One of its most common uses is to clone an object. To do this, just use a new (empty) object as the first argument:

var a = { foo:10, bar:[20, 30, 40] };
var b = $.extend({}, a); // Cópia rasa (shallow copy)

a.bar[1] = 50;
console.log(b.bar[1]); // 50

Or, to get a "deep copy" (deep copy), going on true as a first argument:

var a = { foo:10, bar:[20, 30, 40] };
var b = $.extend(true, {}, a); // Cópia profunda (deep copy)

a.bar[1] = 50;
console.log(b.bar[1]); // 30

Another possibility is to create an object that is a set of several others. This can be used, for example, to implement mixins:

var classeA = { ... }; // Uma "classe" no caso é somente um conjunto de propriedades
var classeB = { ... }; // e métodos relacionados. Poderia-se "herdar" dessa classe
var classeC = { ... }; // usando-a como protótipo, mas como herdar de várias?

var mixin = $.extend({}, classeA, classeB, classeC);

As a general rule, the first object passed as argument is modified, and the others only contribute properties to it. If there is a true at first, the copy is deep, otherwise it is shallow.

And as for the $.fn.extend? This is only a "shortcut" to add new properties to itself $.fn:

$.fn.extend({ ... }, { ... }, ...);
// É equivalente a:
$.extend($.fn, { ... }, { ... }, ...);

(And for those who don’t know, $.fn is where the functions that apply to any jQuery object are defined. Ex.: $(seletor).foo(10, 20) implies that there is a function foo in $.fn.)


The $.extend serves to "merge" two or more objects in the first Ex: (taken from http://api.jquery.com/jquery.extend/ )

  var object1 = {
      maça: 0,
      banana: { peso: 52, preço: 100 },
      cereja: 97
    var object2 = {
      banana: { preço: 200 },
      laranja: 100

  $.extend( object1, object2 );

When printing object 1 you have:

{"maça"0, "banana":{preço:200}, cereja:97, laranja:100}

In this case object 1 (containing apple, banana and cherry) is fused with object 2 (containing banana and orange). Note that when fusing objects the banana is replaced (before it had price and weight now only has price) and the new property (orange) is added.

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