I have the following json
"MedPaciente": [
"ProdutoModel": {
"LaboratorioModel": {
"id_laboratorio": 7951,
"data_cad": "28/12/2017",
"situacao": 1
"id_produto": 232,
"id_laboratorio": 7951,
"codbarras": "7896026300704",
"nome": "ANADOR 500MG 2COMP ",
"situacao": 1,
"alldata": "ANADOR 500MG 2COMP ",
"data_cad": "17/01/2001"
"id_med_paciente": 44,
"id_empresa": 1,
"id_consulta": 59,
"id_paciente": 4,
"id_produto": 232,
"qtde_embalagem": 20,
"dose_diaria": 2,
"lote": "1231",
"vencto": null,
"crm": "1325",
"uf_crm": null,
"medico": "aluisio da silva reis",
"dt_lancto": "2018-02-06T00:00:00",
"termino": "2018-02-26T00:00:00",
"tipo": "medicamento",
"qtde": 2
the following code defines the column name and its dataKey
var columns = [
{ title: "Nome", dataKey: "MedPaciente.ProdutoModel.nome" },
{ title: "Laboratório", dataKey: "lab" },
{ title: "Qtde", dataKey: "qtde" },
{ title: "Ao Dia", dataKey: "dose_diaria" },
{ title: "Lote", dataKey: "lote" },
{ title: "Vecnto", dataKey: "vencto" },
{ title: "CRM", dataKey: "crm" },
{ title: "Médico", dataKey: "medico" }
The first column is the product name, in dataKey tried "Medpaciente.ProdutoModel.name" but not sure, the pdf comes out with the empty name. ja columns Qtde, To Day, lot, etc, these are usually filled (they are in the novel zero of the array).
how can I set the Datakey name when the element is not at zero level?