Error when publishing in iis


Viewed 709 times


I’m with a webservice and doing the post on the server I’m getting the error answer

Unable to load file or Assembly 'Microsoft.CodeDom.Providers.Dotnetcompilerplatform, Version=, Culture=neutral, Publickeytoken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The definition of the localized Assembly manifest does not correspond to the Assembly reference. (HRESULT exception: 0x80131040)

Strange that on the spot this works normally and I’m just doing a Publish

1 answer



When 3.5SP1 structure is installed and Clickonce storage is used for the first cdf files ms maybe time deleted. This can be caused by deleting HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry key Software Classes Software Microsoft Windows Currentversion Deployment Clickonce35sp1update. Missing cdf ms files will cause Clickonce to erroneously share strong called Assembly with the same version but different file hash.


To avoid the problem before it happens Make sure that all shared modules (assemblies) you are using in your updated Clickonce application have a new version of Assembly.

If the problem has already occurred it is necessary to clear the online cache running "Mage.exe - cc", uninstall all versions of the installed applications that may have a high security name set with the same version and reinstall the application.

Mage.exe is available in several locations, including the following:

· O.NET Framework 2.0 SDK. .NET Framework 2.0 SDK is available as a component of the Visual Studio 2005 installation or can be downloaded from Microsoft Download Center.

Windows SDK for Windows Vista. Windows SDK for Windows Vista can be downloaded from Microsoft Download Center.

Visual Studio 2008. Latest versions of Mage.exe and Mageui.exe are included as a component of the Visual Studio 2008 installation.


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