Send file using Httppost - ADVPL


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I am trying to send an xml file using Httppost.

cUrl := ""
cPostParms := 'mod=Upload'
cHeadRet := ""
aHeadOut := {User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; Protheus '+GetBuild()+'}

HttpPost(cUrl, cGetParms, cPostParms, nTimeOut, aHeadOut, @cHeadRet)

I cannot use Httppostxml, because in my case I need to send a flag in the header and this other method does not allow.

This link below says that it is possible to send via Httppost, but does not explain

Someone would know?

Thank you

  • The documentation is not the best, see if that help you.

  • This TDN documentation has no example for file uploading.

  • Shouldn’t you be passing XML on the Post body? (cPostParams)

  • I’ve tried, but it seems Protheus isn’t riding properly.

1 answer


For the use of the function HTTPPost() for sending an XML file, initially the XML file must be loaded into memory in a character variable, which must be specified as parameter in cPostParms -- this makes the content to be posted go into the "body" of Post. You can read the disk file using for example the function Memoread().

cPostPArms := Memoread('\xml\MyXmlFile.xml')

And, in the array aHeadOut, you must add the header stating that you are sending an XML : Before doing the post, run:

aadd(aHeadOut,"Content-Type: text/xml")


  • My problem is sending the content in "Body" and how to send other parameters should be yydd(aHeadOut,"Content-Type: form-data")

  • 1

    Depending on how your HTTP server is waiting I will delay this POST, it may be necessary to send more than one Header -- such as "Content-Type: Multipart/form-data"

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