Pass values by reference C


Viewed 288 times


I have to make a program with options menu that allows me to read a student’s information, write their name and phone after entering their student number, and determine how many students are older than the user’s age. The program runs, but does not save the data. I wondered if you can help me in this problem!!

#include <stdio.h>

struct aluno{
    int numero;
    char nome[100];
    char morada[100];
    int idade;
    int telefone;

void infoPerson(struct aluno *Turma, int *i) {

    for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) {
        printf("Introduza o número \n");
        scanf(" %d", &Turma->numero);
        printf("Introduza a idade \n");
        scanf(" %d", &Turma->idade);
        printf("Introduza o telefone \n");
        scanf(" %d", &Turma->telefone);
        printf("Introduza o nome \n");
        scanf(" %s", &Turma->nome[100]);
        printf("Introduza a morada \n");
        scanf(" %s", &Turma->morada[100]);

int main() {
    int opc;
    int i = 0;
    struct aluno *Turma[2];
            printf("1 - Introduzir alunos\n");
            printf("2 - Teste\n");
            printf("3 - Teste\n");
            scanf("%d", &opc);
        } while (opc < 0 || opc > 3);
        switch (opc){
            case 1:
                infoPerson(Turma, &i);
            case 2:
            case 3:
    } while (opc < 0 || opc > 3);
  • This code does not even compile into a properly configured compiler.

  • In my IDE (Clion) it runs with some errors.

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1 answer


The code has several errors, I think that’s what you want:

#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct {
    int numero;
    char nome[100];
    char morada[100];
    int idade;
    int telefone; //o tipo está errado
} Aluno;

void infoPerson(Aluno *turma, int limite) {
    for (int i = 0; i < limite; i++) {
        printf("Introduza o número \n");
        scanf(" %d", &turma[i].numero);
        printf("Introduza a idade \n");
        scanf(" %d", &turma[i].idade);
        printf("Introduza o telefone \n");
        scanf(" %d", &turma[i].telefone);
        printf("Introduza o nome \n");
        scanf(" %99s", turma[i].nome);
        printf("Introduza a morada \n");
        scanf(" %99s", turma[i].morada);

int main() {
    int opc;
    Aluno turma[2];
    do {
        printf("1 - Introduzir alunos\n");
        printf("2 - Teste\n");
        printf("3 - Teste\n");
        scanf("%d", &opc);
        switch (opc) {
            case 1:
                infoPerson(turma, 2);
            case 2:
            case 3:
    } while (opc < 0 || opc > 3);
    printf("%s - %d\n", turma[0].nome, turma[0].idade);

Behold working in the ideone. And in the repl it.. Also put on the Github for future reference.

Then I detail the errors. The code is still not good.

  • Yes, the phone has to be an int unsigned. What does "%99s" mean? Thanks for the help!!

  • No, he has to be a char[12], almost nothing should be uint. Input formatting only allows 99 characters.

  • Okay, thank you. With this code so now I think I can do the rest I needed

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