Header image does not appear with print();


Viewed 115 times


I have a problem and as simple as it seems I am not able to understand and therefore, solve it, my call the page was changed getting now this way, the same is so:

$(function() {

    rules: {
        Nome: {
            required: true
        Cpf: {
            required: true
        Data: {
            required: true
    // Messages for form validation
    messages: {
        Nome: {
            required: ''
        Cpf: {
            required: ''
        Data: {
            required: ''

    submitHandler: function(form) {
        var data = $(form).serialize();
            url: "pImpreComDispTemporaria.php",
            type: 'POST',
            datatype: 'text',
            data: data,
            success: function(data) {


                var janela = window.open("", "", "width=800,height=1000");

        return false;



But the image that is at the top is never displayed, the page is like this:


<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
	<tr valign="center">
		<td height="82" colspan="2" align="left">					
		<img src="../_imagens/logo-employer.gif" width="244" alt=""/>

The image is in the correct directory and the call is right, if cancel by closing the print window the header with the image is displayed correctly.

  • I withdrew the response for not having helped in this case

  • That’s the image that doesn’t appear? ../_imagens/logo-employer.gif or is it any other? Usually when the image is used in background she does not appear at the time of printing...

  • Hello @hugocsl, is this image even if it does not appear.

  • I did a test here calling the img by a URL and it worked normal, appeared right... src="http://placeskull.com/160/160"

  • but the picture isn’t showing or it’s getting a little bit like that in this picture ? https://superuser.com/questions/712082/images-not-loading-in-most-browsers

  • Hello @Marcosbrinnerpikatoons, the image doesn’t show up at all, it doesn’t take this little square

  • strange, try to set in style="display:inline ! Important" can’t place the image to load an absolute path? site type.com/image/local/item.gif ?

  • She’s on the absolute path @Marcosbrinnerpikatoons, too weird

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