Problem handling json object in ajax request


Viewed 104 times


I have a function that makes a register in the database via ajax and soon after searches that same object in the database to add the information related to it without reloading the page.

var respostaSubmit = function (response) {
    alertGeneric('modal-info', 'Aviso', response.Mensagem, response.Action); // aqui é feito o cadastro do objeto, funciona normalmente


    adicionarNovaAtividadeNaLista(); //função que busca o objeto no banco e adiciona ele na tela

function adicionarNovaAtividadeNaLista() {
    //abaixo é chamado um método no c# que busca o objeto no bacno e o retorna em formato json

    executeAjax(URLS.BuscarUltimaAtividade.format('atividade', idAtividade), 'GET', 'html', function (response) {
        //Abaixo o objeto retornado seria tratado para ser adicionado na tela

        var lista = document.getElementById('atividades');
        lista.outerHTML = lista.outerHTML.replace('</ul>', '<li class="atividade-style list-group-item" name="' + response[0].id + '"><span class="atividade">' + response[0].nome + '</span><div class="pull-right btn-group" style="position: absolute; right: 8px;"><button class="fa fa-pencil-square-o excluir-atividae btnSemBorda" onClick="editaAtividade(' + response[0].id + ')"></button></div></li></ul>');
  • I don’t know if this helps you, but you don’t need to register and search to have the data, you can return the object registered in your AJAX call of registration.

  • Thanks for the tip, but actually need. I have to add on the screen also the id of the bank that only exists after the registration is done.

  • now I saw here in the comments of your code that using C#, also use, and after inclusion in the database I can return the registered object, ie already with ID.

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