How to change the /wp-admin/ Wordpress directory? and how to change the Wordpress admin Urls?


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I would like to change the directory name /wp-admin/ for example /admin/ in Wordpress, however I have no idea how to do this the right way. I see that this type of change is not very common.

I would also like to change some Wordpress Urls that are in English and pass them to Portuguese.


To create a new Post:

To create a new Page:

These are some examples.

The right thing would be:

To create a new Post:

To create a new Page:

I wanted some solution that would allow me such functionality, preferably Plugins.

  • 2

    Short answer: give up, it is impossible. A long answer needs a lot of research; something you can do, but not too much and not without a headache.

  • Because it is @brasofilo I also thought it would not be very easy.

  • At least the /wp-admin/ is already good size, :/

  • If I remember correctly, if you are using Apache and have full control of vhost, it is possible if you get something like this using Redirects. One of the possible types of redirects does so on the server itself, without sending any HTTP code to the client and therefore without changing the displayed URL. The problem then would be to link the pages generated by wordpress to the translated version. My only suggestion in this sense is to include a Javascript in every page that "scans" the entire HTML replacing the destination of the links according to a mapping. Possible, yes, but not recommend...

  • You can create a rule with HTACCESS to access the url /admin/ keeping the folder /wp-admin/, but renaming the folder I think complicates by the 'mechanics' of WP, as well as changing the Urls.

2 answers


It is not the best way to answer, but as you asked for a plugin, the Better Wp Security does it. Be sure to read the instructions carefully, otherwise it will lock you out of the site. you were warned

  • This has already happened to me once, only with another plugin.

  • 1

    just in case, I will export the database via PHP My Admin


Very interesting the plugin recommended by @moraleida, has the face of must use.
I’ve been analyzing the code and the interface, and I see there’s a limitation: it just hides the URL /wp-admin and the login and registration Urls for visitors who are not logged in. Once logged in, the user navigates the links of /wp-admin normally.

From everything I’ve read on Wordpress Developers and in the [wp-hackers], and also from what I have already tested with the material posted on WPSE and Soen, it can be said that it is practically impossible to make an administrative area free of the URL /wp-admin/*.

<opinion> Instead of hiding from the client who is using Wordpress, I think it is preferable to raise the ball and say that it is an exponential expanding open source platform and with a community of developers, administrators and users immense. </opinion>

I’ve been working with XML-RPC for WP and you can build an administrative app (web or mobile) using that connection. It is important to have security tightly tied, and it will take a lot of work to create an interface from scratch.

On the side of front end, can hide the /wp-content/* Urls using the techniques described in Steps to Take to Hide the Fact a Site is Using Wordpress?

  • It’s not for customers, it’s for my website. I have some authors and want to hide these Urls.

  • I’ve hidden them all, the only one missing is the wp-admin.

  • Yeah, I’d love to be wrong, but I guess I can’t.

  • It’s a pity friend. :(

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