Create a Join between two classes in my repository


Viewed 157 times


I have a repository for my class PessoaCadastro that relates to the class Pessoa. I need to create a method GetJoinAll(...) show me all the table records PessoaCadastro that are related to Pessoa through the field of relationship PessoaId.

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Summarizing: "Get all the records that are of the type People". It would be, more or less, like the SQL below.

I don’t know very well from Latin and lambda...

SELECT PC.Id, PC.PessoaTipo, PC.PessoaId, PC.FilialId, P.PessoaNatureza PC.DataInclusao 
FROM PessoaCadastro AS PC 
JOIN Pessoa AS P ON PC.PessoaId = p.PessoaId 
WHERE PC.PessoaTipo = 1

My Repository

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using SistemaComercial.Domain.Interfaces;
using SistemaComercial.Infra.Data.Context;
using System;
using System.Linq;

namespace SistemaComercial.Infra.Data.Repository
    public class Repository<TEntity> : IRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class
        protected readonly SistemaComercialContext Db;
        protected readonly DbSet<TEntity> DbSet;

        public Repository(SistemaComercialContext context)
            Db = context;
            DbSet = Db.Set<TEntity>();

        public virtual void Add(TEntity obj)

        public virtual TEntity GetById(int id)
            return DbSet.Find(id);

        public virtual IQueryable<TEntity> GetAll()
            return DbSet;

        public virtual void Update(TEntity obj)

        public virtual void Remove(int id)

        public int SaveChanges()
            return Db.SaveChanges();

        public void Dispose()

Repository of PessoaCadastro where I need to implement the function GetJoinAll(...):

using SistemaComercial.Domain.Interfaces;
using SistemaComercial.Domain.Models;
using SistemaComercial.Infra.Data.Context;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace SistemaComercial.Infra.Data.Repository
    public class PessoaCadastroRepository : Repository<PessoaCadastro>, IPessoaCadastroRepository
        public PessoaCadastroRepository(SistemaComercialContext context)


        public IEnumerable<PessoaCadastro> GetJoinAll()
            return DbSet.Include...

2 answers


Follow an example using Linq:

 var result = from x in PessoaCadastro
                     join y in Pessoas on new { X1 = x.PessoaId } equals new { X1 = y.PessoaId  }
                     where x.PessoaTipo == 1
                     select y;
        return result.ToList();

Comment if it worked for you


var lista = Entity<PessoaCadastro>()
            .Where(a=> a.PessoaTipo == 1 && a.PessoaId == "seuID")

Or if it’s a list of Ids:

var lista = Entity<PessoaCadastro>()
            .Select(a=> a.Pessoas)
            .Where(a=> a.PessoaTipo == 1 && listaIDS.Contains(a.PessoaId))
  • 1

    The code is not running, as it has syntax errors, and has text inside

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