How to remove caption in Plot?


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How can I remove the caption that is automatically generated in the function plot package drc?

plot(curva5r, ylab= "Dose (%)", xlab = "Dose (g.e.a. de glyphosate ha-1)")

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Note that the caption is on top of the plotted data and I want to remove it. No use using another style of Plot (eg.ggplot2) as it does not support the package used to adjust the data.

Thanks friends.

1 answer


Place the argument legend=FALSE at the command of your chart:

plot(curva5r, ylab= "Dose (%)", xlab = "Dose (g.e.a. de glyphosate ha-1)",

Reproducible example with a data set of the package itself drc:


S.alba.m1 <- drm(DryMatter~Dose, Herbicide, data = S.alba, fct = LL.4())


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plot(S.alba.m1, legend=FALSE)

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  • Thank you very much Marcus, you could tell me how I can put r 2 on the chart (ex: color( fitted(curva5r), Dadosfito$controle) 2) and how I can erase lines that are not axes (ex: parallel to the axes).

  • 1

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