How do I solve this problem in seasplot?


Viewed 97 times


Making that code:

selic <- BETS.get(4189, from = '2000/01/01', 
                   to= '2016/02/01',freq=12)
seasplot(selic,outplot = 3,trend = F)

Gives this result

Error in if (diff(range(colSums(ynt))) <= .Machine$double.eps^0.5) { : 
  missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed

If you don’t have Missing values using from January to January, it works. How do I take the Missing values and run?

  • Where the package comes from TStools uppercase? And the function seasplot?

  • Hi. Comes from Github

  • Seasplot comes from Tstools tbm package

  • 2

    Seems to be a bug in the function, I edited the line where gives the error, includes the na.rm = TRUE in colSums. Stayed like this: if (diff(range(colSums(ynt, na.rm = TRUE))) <= .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5){. It’s on line 140 of the source.

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