Uploading images with added element in the image


Viewed 287 times


Hello I need to upload where, in the image, the client can add a visual element to mark something. I’ll need something via javascript to do the visual interaction before uploading(simplest part).

Someone knows how to do it?

For example, in the image below I took the photo of any room and added an arrow pointing to an element of the room. That’s what I need to do, someone can help me?

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui


Based on the solution put by some people, including by Valdir Psr who sent a great solution, researching a little more I found a lib called Fabric.js and managed to make an implementation that I considered simpler.


For those interested follow the example project I created on github: https://github.com/alessandrosales/image-editor

1 answer


One of the ways to do this is by using canvas and the events of Drag And Drop, natives, of the HTML5.

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Dragging and dropping an object on the screen

To use the option draggable is quite simple. Just set the attribute draggable="true" the element that will be dragged. In this case the arrow.

<div id="img">
    <img id="main" src="http://via.placeholder.com/350x350?text=Clique+para+carregar+uma+imagem" />
    <img id="arrow" draggable="true" src="arrow.png" />
    <canvas style="display:none"></canvas>

Now we just need to capture the position value relative to the element.

In function ondragstart, we captured from where the element "departed".

imgArrow.addEventListener("dragstart", (ev) => {
    /* Capturamos o valor da propriedade `left` e `top` do CSS */
    let left = ev.target.style.getPropertyValue("left") || 0;
    let top = ev.target.style.getPropertyValue("top") || 0;

    /* Subtraímos a posição do elemento em relação a posição dele na tela e salvamos para consultar posteriormente. */
    ev.dataTransfer.setData("left", parseInt(left) - ev.clientX);
    ev.dataTransfer.setData("top", parseInt(top) - ev.clientY);

In function ondragover, we validate the action drop.

imgArea.addEventListener("dragover", (ev) => {
    return false;

In function ondrop, we will capture the position x and y from where the object was dropped and we will capture the previously set values to calculate the new object position.

imgArea.addEventListener("drop", (ev) => {
    /* Capturamos os valores "x" e "y" setado anteriormente */
    let left = ev.dataTransfer.getData("left") || 0;
    let top = ev.dataTransfer.getData("top") || 0;

    /* Somamos o valor setado anteriormente com a nova posição do objeto em relação a tela */
    imgArrow.style.left = parseInt(left) + ev.clientX;
    imgArrow.style.top = parseInt(top) + ev.clientY;

Ready! We already have the effect of dragging and dropping the arrow.

Saving the new image.

Now let’s work with the canvas to manipulate our new image. For this we will use only the context and the method drawImage of the element cited.

/* Aqui setamos a largura e altura do canvas */
this.canvas.width = imgMain.width;
this.canvas.height = imgMain.height;

/* Capturamos o contexto */
let ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d");

 * Aqui nós desenhamos a imagem principal no canvas.
 * Adiciona a imagem na posição x=0 e y=0 juntamente 
 * com a largura e altura da imagem
ctx.drawImage(imgMain, 0, 0, imgMain.width, imgMain.height)

 * Aqui nós desenhamos a seta no canvas.
 * Adiciona a imagem na posição definidos no `css` (left e top)
 * juntamente com a largura e altura da imagem
ctx.drawImage(imgArrow, parseInt(imgArrow.style.left), parseInt(imgArrow.style.top), imgArrow.width, imgArrow.height);

Ready. Finished another part.

Sending the image to the server.

In this last step there is also no headache. Just use the method toBlob to capture the file and XHR to send to the server.

canvas.toBlob(blob => {
    let form = new FormData();
    form.append("file", blob);

    let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
    xhr.onload = function(result) { alert( result.target.responseText ); }
    xhr.open("POST", "upload.php", true);

Making things easier

Well, I ended up making a very simple class. Just low on the download link and use as follows:

const imgArea = document.querySelector("#img");
const imgMain = document.querySelector("#img #main");
const imgArrow = document.querySelector("#img #arrow");
const btnDownload = document.querySelector("#btnDownload");

new DragAndDrop(imgArea, imgMain, imgArrow, {
    arrowHeight: 100, //Altura da seta
    arrowWidth: 100,  //Largura da seta
    btnDownload: btnDownload,  //Botão de Download

    dragStart: () => {
    dragOver: () => {
    dragDrop: () => {

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  • Hello Valdeir, thank you so much is exactly what I need. Excellent!!!

  • 1

    Hello Valdir, based on your solution I made an implementation using Fabric.js: https://github.com/alessandrosales/image-editor

  • Thanks for the help, didn’t know where to go when I pitched the question hahaah ;)

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