Is it possible to use firebase on computers?


Viewed 1,343 times


I need to create an application for control of finances customized for the company I work and I wanted to know if it is possible through some mechanism to create a database in firebase to be used in android, web and pc, in an integrated way and in real time.

I ask about the pc, because I do not want to use the web all the time (depending on internet), because I actually want to use in offline mode also on all devices for use in estimates and report generation.

Any hint?

  • 1

    I’ve seen the Javascript API. I don’t remember much, but it’s used in browsers. Help?

  • 1

    You can integrate firebase in both Node and java and both Oces can do all kinds of applications.

  • @Marlonjhow This integration with Java, you could give me a tip so I could start studies, because when I searched a while ago I found only for android.

2 answers


  • Vlw, great tip. I use furebase but I haven’t seen this Firestore yet. Thank you!


Consider creating your app on Delphi, it can interact a Firebase database locally and remotely, in addition through the framework Firemonkey you can create and import your application in various p/ desktop and mobile formats.

Here’s an example of how easy it is to work with Firemonkey databases in Delphi:

  • Put the dll corresponding to the version of your bank in your folder .exe or in a PATH listed in your S.O. (e.g. SYSTEM32)
  • Open your application and drag the component TFDConnection from your tool window
  • Click 2 times and enter the specifications of your DB (Database path, username, password, etc...)
    inserir a descrição da imagem aqui
  • Drag the component FDQuery and with it you can make the calls via sql’s query.

FDQuery1.SQL.Text := 'select * from tab where code = :Code'; FDQuery1.ParamByName('code').AsString := '123'; FDQuery1.Open;

  • Hello, thank you very much for the answer, but I would like an alternative in java or python, so I don’t have to learn a new language, because I don’t have time for that. Grateful!

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