Select columns with no specific name


Viewed 371 times


I am developing a C# application that consumes data from a spreadsheet and at some point I need a query string that will feed a variable.

For example:

strComando1 = "SELECT TOP 2 ColunaGenerica1, ColunaGenerica2 FROM ["+ planilha +"]";

I wanted to know if it is possible and how can I consume data from the first two columns, for example, without specifying their name, since the name of the columns may vary according to the user’s import.

Provider and connection:

    private static OleDbConnection conexao = new OleDbConnection();

    strConexao = string.Format("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source={0};Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=0\"", caminhoArquivo);
    conexao.ConnectionString = strConexao;

    private static DataTable tabelaDeSaida;
  • Which carrier is using ? puts the connection code... command... etc

  • Done. I added information about the Preview and connection.

1 answer


You can use the command:

DataTable dtCols = conexao.GetSchema("Columns");


DataTable dtCols = conexao.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Columns, new Object[] {null, null, "NomeDaTabela", null});

He will return a DataTable, which has the following columns (among others):


From there, just take the column you want, from the table you want and mount the query.



DataTable dtCols = conexao.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Columns, new Object[] { null, null, "tabela$", null });

DataRow[] rs = dtCols.Select("ORDINAL_POSITION <= 2");

string query = "Select ";
foreach (DataRow r in rs)
    query+= r["COLUMN_NAME"].ToString()+ ",";

query = query.Remove(query.Length-1);

query += " From tabela$ where 1=1;";



Select coluna1,coluna2 From tabela$ where 1=1;

  • I thought of a similar solution, but how to get the first and second columns? That’s the point

  • @rLinhares put an example =], and starts with 1

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