Create search box on google Docs


Viewed 669 times



I have this VBA code and needed to build a Javascript for Google Docs that do the same thing. It is possible to convert VBA to Javascript?

Thank you.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim F1 As Worksheet
Dim intervalo As Range
Dim LastRow As Long
'Declara a Planilha pelo nome
Set F1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Folha1")
'Última Linha
LastRow = F1.Cells(F1.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row

Set intervalo = F1.Range("A2:A" & LastRow)
'Caso não encontre TextBox2
If TextBox2 = "" Then
    MsgBox "Insira o nº da ficha a consultar."
'Se os campos de TextBox estiverem preenchidos
ElseIf TextBox2 > "" And TextBox1 > "" Then
'Realiza a procura
    With intervalo
        Set cellFound = .Find(TextBox1, LookIn:=xlValues)
        If Not cellFound Is Nothing Then
            FirstAddress = cellFound.Address
                'Realiza Ação após encontrar, faz offset de uma coluna para direita e segue o hyperlink. Então após encontrar na Coluna A, segue o hyperlink da coluna B.
                cellFound.Offset(0, 1).Hyperlinks(1).Follow
                Set cellFound = .FindNext(cellFound)
            Loop While Not cellFound Is Nothing And cellFound.Address <> FirstAddress
        End If
    End With
End If

End Sub

Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
    Dim intervalo As Range
    Dim texto As String
    Dim codigo As Integer
    Dim pesquisa
    Dim mensagem
    Dim F1 As Worksheet
    Set F1 = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Folha1")
    LastRow = F1.Cells(F1.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
   On Error Resume Next
    codigo = TextBox1.Text

    Set intervalo = F1.Range("A2:B" & LastRow)
    pesquisa = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(codigo, intervalo, 2, False)

    TextBox2.Text = pesquisa

End Sub

'Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()
'ActiveWorkbook.Close Savechanges:=False
'End Sub

1 answer


I made a solution in App Script that would be a conversion of your VBA. I hope it is what you need.

The working file link is this:

Two files were created in the App Script, being them:


function onOpen(e) {
       .addItem('Documentos', 'showSidebar')

function onInstall(e) {

function showSidebar() {
  var ui = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('Sidebar')
      .setTitle('Pesquisar Documentos');

function BuscarCodigo(codigo) {

  if(codigo != null) {

  var table = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody().getTables();

  var codigos = [];
  var links = [];
  var x = 1;
  while(x < table[0].getNumRows()) {
    codigos.push(table[0].getCell(x, 0).getText());
    links.push(table[0].getCell(x, 1).getText());

  var y = 0;
  var link = "";
  while(y < codigos.length) {
    if(codigo == codigos[y]) {
      link = links[y];



function AbrirLink(link) {
  var ui = HtmlService.createHtmlOutput(
  "<!DOCTYPE html> " +
  "<html> " +
  "<head> " +    
    "<script type='text/javascript'> " +    
    "function AbrirLink(){ " +
    " var popup ='http://" + link + "'); " +
    "; " +     
    "} " +  
    "</script> " +  
  "</head> " +
  "<body onload='AbrirLink()'> " +
  "</body> " +  
  "</html> "  


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <base target="_top">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">
  <body onload="document.formulario.codigo.focus();">

    .hidden {
      display: none;

    <br />

    <form role="form" id="formulario" name="formulario" align="center">

      <div class="form-group col-xs-12">
        <label class="sr-only" for="codigo">Código</label>
        <input type="text" class="form-control" name="codigo" id="codigo" placeholder="Insira o código do Documento">

      <button class="btn btn-success hidden" align="center" id="pesquisaroculto">

      <button class="btn btn-success" align="center" id="pesquisar">


    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script> 

  <script type="text/javascript">

    $(function() {

    function runPesquisaOculto() {

      $( "#pesquisar" ).removeClass("hidden");
      $( this ).addClass("hidden");

      var codigo = $('input[name=codigo]').val();;


    function runPesquisa() {

      $( "#pesquisaroculto" ).removeClass("hidden");
      $( this ).addClass("hidden");

      var codigo = $('input[name=codigo]').val();;




It is only the logic without validation of blank fields that can be done in html normally. All new values inserted in table will work.

There is no way to do a search field inside Google Docs.

What I did was a Document Search menu in the menu called "Search > Documents" that opens a sidebar with a field to enter the document code and a button to Search the document.

By clicking on this button the link of the searched document opens in a new tab.

  • Good Philip, first of all thank you. I copied the code to my drive and when I click the search on the sidebar appears a message "the page may be temporarily unavailable or have been removed". Did I do something wrong? Thank you

  • Is the link from the document I shared working? I let it out so anyone could access the code and the example works. To copy the code it would be good to create a copy of the document and code and run the showSidebar method inside the script app to get the necessary permissions.

  • I did a test now. If you make a copy of the document the code in app script will be copied as well. After copying enter the Script Editor by the path: Tools > Script Editor and run the showSidebar method. A screen will appear saying that the page is not safe. This is because it was a method made by a user and was not published in the google codes. You can continue and accept the permissions to work. Any questions just contact me.

  • Good Philip, thank you for your help and I want to ask if it is possible when we search for the code when it appears the link can be clicked on the link and open the page?

  • Your pop-up must be blocked for browser security reasons. Allow the pop-up for that site and perform the test that should work.

  • The alerts I showed are only to show that the values are being picked up. You can comment on these codes that the site will open the same way.

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