Good morning To all, I have two select, I am showing next to each other, I need to add the value of one select to the other .. Is that possible? the two select are separate tables, I am displaying a value next to each other, but I need to add these values...Please if anyone knows how to do need help. follows the select code:
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.Open "DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("banco.mdb") & ";Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}","username","password"
strQ = "SELECT * FROM Vendas2017 ORDER BY id asc"
Set ObjRs = objConn.Execute(strQ)
Set objConn2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn2.Open "DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("banco.mdb") & ";Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}","username","password"
strQ2 = "SELECT * FROM Vendas2018 ORDER BY id asc"
Set ObjRs2 = objConn2.Execute(strQ2)
hello, it’s totally possible but wouldn’t it be more practical to add in the database and already return the value adding with a query? Anyway, to help you show the names of the fields you want to add up, just
select *
without knowing the table structure doesn’t help much– Ricardo Pontual
Ola Ricardo, thank you so much for your help, is that what you need? <br/> <br/> strQ = "SELECT * FROM Sales2017 ORDER BY id asc" <br/> strQ2 = "SELECT * FROM Sales2018 ORDER BY id asc" <br/> tableela01: Sales2017 tabela02: Sales2018 <br/> name of column table 01: janvalue name of column 02: janvalor <br/>
– Andre Bispo
you edited the question and lost the text that explained... it would be nice for you to go back to the way it was and just add in the question the names of the columns...
– Ricardo Pontual
one more doubt, each of these
returns how many rows? because if tables Vendas2017 and Vendas2018 return many lines, theSUM
in the bank, or even summing in the code, the result can be very large and give error of overflow– Ricardo Pontual
sorry, I haven’t gotten used to the site yet, exactly what is happening Ricardo gave overflow, are 5000 lines, all I wanted is to put a value next to each other and add
– Andre Bispo
I suspected this might happen... :) What kind of field data janvalor?
– Ricardo Pontual
You can use the function
to help if your field is notdecimal
:select sum(CDec(janvalor)) janvalor
– Ricardo Pontual