How to resolve mysql_query error?


Viewed 209 times


I installed a login and registration system in a hosting, adjusted the database and connected to the system, including created a user to test the login. However when I log in it presents these errors:

Warning: mysqli_query() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given in /srv/disk5/2615118/www/ on line 4

Warning: mysql_num_rows() expects parameter 1 to be resource, null given in /srv/disk5/2615118/www/ on line 5

The error code follows below:

	class Login{
		public function logar($email, $senha){
			$buscar=mysqli_query("SELECT * FROM usuarios WHERE email='$email' AND senha='$senha' LIMIT 1");
			if(mysql_num_rows($buscar) == 1){
				if($dados["status"] == 1){
					$flash="Aguarde a nossa aprovação!";
					$flash="Você foi logado com sucesso";
					$flash="Ops! Digite seu e-mail e sua senha corretamente!";
				echo $flash;


1 answer


The mysqli_query function requires 2 parameters:

  1. Connection
  2. Query to be executed.

Here is an example:

// verifica conexão
if (mysqli_connect_errno())
  echo "Falha ao conectar com MySQL: " . mysqli_connect_error();

// roda a query
mysqli_query($con,"WHERE email='$email' AND senha='$senha' LIMIT 1");

Note that before the query, we also pass the connection to the database.

  • I made the changes and gives the same mistake!

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