Error Property 'Collection' does not exist on type 'Profile'


Viewed 120 times


There is the following variable declared in the script:

private profile: Profile;

See that it is a variable of type Profile.

When trying to assign a value to the variable, returns the following error:

Property 'Collection' does not exist on type 'Profile'.

The value being assigned is as follows:

this.profile = response.collection;

Meanwhile I found that the property response.collection is an instance of the class Profile:

console.log(response.collection instanceof Profile);

Why the variable profile does not accept the value of response.collection where it is an instance of the class Profile?

  • like the response is tipado?

  • and please use the correct tag. Typescript is not used in Angularjs

  • @merchant regarding the tag was lapse on my part. Regarding typing I added the ":any" and it started to work, but I don’t understand the need to define the type for Sponse.

  • by the error message it seems to me that before Sponse was typed as Profile

  • @merchant the response no, but the response.collection yes, it is an instance of the class Profile.

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