Preload of Photos


Viewed 33 times


How do a Preload with loading or a gif in my photos.


$diretorio = '../fotos/';
$arquivos = scandir($diretorio);

foreach($arquivos as $arquivo) {
  if(preg_match("/.+.[jJ][pP][eE]?[gG]$/", $arquivo)) {
    <div class="col-lg-2">
    <a href="fotos/<?php echo $arquivo; ?>" class="portfolio-box" data-gallery="Galeria_Cachoeira" data-toggle="lightbox">
        <img src="fotos/<?php echo $arquivo; ?>" class="img-responsive" alt="">
        <div class="portfolio-box-caption">
            <div class="portfolio-box-caption-content">
                <span class="glyphicon glyphicon-fullscreen"></span>
  • take a look if it helps

1 answer


you can do by css

.loading {
  background: transparent url('') center no-repeat;

<img class="loading" src="" width="106px" height="106px" />
<img class="loading" src="" width="106px" height="106px" />
<img class="loading" src="" width="106px" height="106px" />
<img class="loading" src="" width="106px" height="106px" />
<img class="loading" src="" width="106px" height="106px" />
<img class="loading" src="" width="106px" height="106px" />
<img class="loading" src="" width="106px" height="106px" />

.loading {
  background: transparent url('') center no-repeat;
<img class="loading" src="" width="106px" height="106px" />
<img class="loading" src="" width="106px" height="106px" />
<img class="loading" src="" width="106px" height="106px" />
<img class="loading" src="" width="106px" height="106px" />
<img class="loading" src="" width="106px" height="106px" />
<img class="loading" src="" width="106px" height="106px" />
<img class="loading" src="" width="106px" height="106px" />

  • you can test with heavier images ^^

  • Let’s go to the trials. Thank you

  • I use this ex on my sites he simple but it works ^^

  • The only problem is that with this the heavier image will carry over the gif of the Download right, gets a strange effect... Because the image will carry from top to bottom until it covers the whole gif...

  • I usually treat the images with php before d display :(

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