First() and next() methods do not work in Resultset, even when editing parameters


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I need to do two iterations on the same ResultSet. For that I did the following:

I set parameters in a Statement to make the cursor editable, according to my connection class constructor:

public ConexaoComDb(){

        try {


        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

        try {

            cn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:h2:./lib/BDContaNoBB", "sa", "");

             stmt = cn.createStatement(

        } catch (SQLException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block


Then I make one while( After that, I get the result with the first(). In a following method I try to iterate again with the, but instead of showing the complete table with the print, what appears is twice the first line, as if there had been no iteration in either of the two whiles.

Below follows the code of the method that performs the query, generating content for the resultSet, and the method that has the first while (

public void executaBusca(String nomeTable, String colunas, String condicao){

        try {

            rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT " +colunas+ " FROM " +nomeTable+
                    " "+condicao);

        } catch (SQLException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

First while (

public void imprimeConsulta(ResultSet result){

        try {

            metaDadosDoRs = result.getMetaData();
            numeroColunas = metaDadosDoRs.getColumnCount();
            int greaterCel;

            for (int coluna=1; coluna<=numeroColunas; coluna++){
                greaterCel= tamanhoDaMaiorCelula(coluna);
                formatarCelulas(greaterCel, coluna);

            } catch (SQLException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

According to while(

public int tamanhoDaMaiorCelula(int coluna){

        int TamConteudoDaAtual=0;
        int TamConteudoDaAnterior=0;
        int indiceMaiorCel=0;
        int tamMaiorCel=0;
        String conteudo;

        try {


            conteudo = rs.getString(coluna);

            TamConteudoDaAtual = conteudo.length();

                if (TamConteudoDaAtual > TamConteudoDaAnterior){
                    indiceMaiorCel = TamConteudoDaAtual;
                    tamMaiorCel = TamConteudoDaAtual;

            TamConteudoDaAnterior = TamConteudoDaAtual;


        } catch (SQLException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

        try {

            formatarCelulas(tamMaiorCel, coluna);

        } catch (SQLException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

        return tamMaiorCel;

And finally, the method that prints the formatted table. That was to print all of it, which has 5 lines, but only prints twice the contents of the first line...

public void formatarCelulas(int tamMaiorCel, int coluna) throws SQLException{


        ArrayList<String> stringFormatada = new ArrayList<String>();

        do {

                int tamQueFalta = rs.getString(coluna).length() - tamMaiorCel;
                char[] arrayDoTamQueFalta = new char[tamQueFalta];

                String tamLast = new String (arrayDoTamQueFalta);





  • You could post the class ConexaoComDb whole, to make it easier to analyze and change the code? Also, in what context do you use the method executaBusca and with what parameters? I am writing an answer and your code has several problems, but if you give me this information, I can elaborate a more precise and detailed answer.

1 answer


  1. Do not store the Statements and ResultSets in instance variables without having a very strong reason to do so. This way you’re using makes them much more difficult to manage properly and much easier to screw up with them.

  2. Although you can read one ResultSet More than once, that’s not usually a good idea. Ideally, you can read it only once and build into memory a structure that corresponds to what you read (not necessarily in a 1-to-1 mapping, you can do optimizations, simplifications and totals while reading the ResultSet). In your case you are trying to traverse twice for each column only to determine the size of the largest string in the first and read the data in the second. This is terribly inefficient, as the ideal is to minimize data traffic with the database (even if it is the H2 in memory) and therefore you should only go through the ResultSet one, and only once to fulfill the purpose of the method executaBusca.

  3. Avoid forming Sqls by concatenating pieces of Strings. Doing this is asking for security issues with injection of SQL, and for this reason it is considered a bad programming practice.

  4. NEVER do this:

        } catch (SQLException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    That’s why ask your program to have mysterious and difficult to track errors. It’s trying to keep on doing something that you already know has gone wrong as if it had worked.

  5. This should no longer be necessary:

        try {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    See more about this in that other question of mine.

  6. Managing your resources becomes much easier by using the Try-with-Resources. In your case you are not managing them properly and not even with something that would be close to proper.

  7. Do not put the modifier public in internal methods. The method made available to be used externally is the executaBusca. The other methods are internal functionalities of executaBusca which should not be made available for other classes to use.

  8. The way you try to format a column does not work. To demonstrate why, see this code:

    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    class VaiDarErrado {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            String a = "batata";
            char[] teste = new char[123];
            String s = new String(teste);
            List<String> lista = new ArrayList<>();

    Here’s the way out:

    [batata, ]

    See the result in ideone.

    That is, all the calculation of column size and spaces to be filled is in vain because the size of the char[] passed to the builder of String is irrelevant and what matters in it is which positions are filled, which is none in your case. Also it is not a good idea to use ArrayList to concatenate or format Strings. Use the StringBuilder or else the method format(String, Object...) for this. The fact that you are using System.out.println means that you break lines after each dice, and therefore the alignment of the extra spaces would be irrelevant. Finally, even if you settle this issue of extra spaces and line breaks, it will go wrong because you will show the data grouped by column, and not by row. That is, this part is completely wrong and has to be redone from scratch.

  9. Use System.out.println how data output is a very bad thing. This makes this method almost impossible to be reused in an environment where the idea would be to put the results on a screen or else in an HTML table or something without the code having to undergo significant changes. And if the code is in a situation where it would need to undergo significant changes to be reused, then it means it’s not good code.

  10. Avoid using variables with types that are implementations of interfaces such as ArrayList and remember the diamond syntax when using generics. For example, instead:

    ArrayList<String> stringFormatada = new ArrayList<String>();

    Use this:

    List<String> stringFormatada = new ArrayList<>();

    Note that although the constructor called is still the ArrayList, the type of the variable is List simply. This becomes quite important when you have type parameters ArrayList or methods that return ArrayList. When you only use List, you eliminate various interoperability issues that would result when you have to interact with other types of lists.

Well, now that I’ve listed the problems, let’s start by creating a class to represent a table row:

import java.util.List;

public final class Linha {
     private final List<String> dados;

     public Linha(List<String> dados) {
         this.dados = dados;

     public void computarTamanho(int[] tamanhosColunas) {
         if (tamanhosColunas.length != dados.size()) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
         for (int i = 0; i < tamanhosColunas.length; i++) {
             String dado = dados.get(i);
             if (dado == null) dado = "<null>";
             int t = dado.length();
             if (t > tamanhosColunas[i]) tamanhosColunas[i] = t;

     public void formatar(StringBuilder sb, int[] tamanhosColunas) {
         if (tamanhosColunas.length != dados.size()) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
         for (int i = 0; i < tamanhosColunas.length; i++) {
             if (i != 0) sb.append(' ');
             String dado = dados.get(i);
             if (dado == null) dado = "<null>";
             for (int j = dado.length(); j < tamanhosColunas[i]; j++) {
                 sb.append(' ');

Now a class to represent the results table:

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public final class Tabela {
     private final List<Linha> linhas;
     private final int[] tamanhosColunas;

     public Tabela(int qtdColunas, List<List<String>> listao) {
         this.tamanhosColunas = new int[qtdColunas];
         this.linhas = new ArrayList<>();

         for (List<String> listinha : listao) {
             Linha proxima = new Linha(listinha);

     public String toString() {
         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
         for (Linha lin : linhas) {
             lin.formatar(sb, tamanhosColunas);
         return sb.toString();

And then, let’s build an instance of Tabela from the database:

Here is the suggestion of how your class might be connecting to the database:

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.DriverManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

public final class TabelaDoBd {

    private static Connection conectar() throws SQLException {
        return DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:h2:./lib/BDContaNoBB", "sa", "");

    public static Tabela executarBusca(String sql) throws SQLException {
        try (
            Connection con = conectar();
            PreparedStatement st = con.prepareStatement(sql);
            ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery();
            ResultSetMetaData metaDadosDoRs = rs.getMetaData();
            int numeroColunas = metaDadosDoRs.getColumnCount();

            List<List<String>> listao = new ArrayList<>();
            while ( {
                List<String> listinha = new ArrayList<>(numeroColunas);
                for (int i = 1; i <= numeroColunas; i++) {
            return new Tabela(numeroColunas, listao);

These codes above solve all the problems I listed, but end up delegating the SQL assembly out. This detail of SQL coming from outside can be solved if you tell me under what circumstances you use or expect to use the method executarBusca. To use this code, do so:

Tabela t = TabelaDoBd.executarBusca("SELECT ID, NOME, TELEFONE FROM CLIENTES");

You can add other methods in Tabela and Linha if you want to do other operations with the data read. Note that I made them immutable for the reasons I explain in that other answer.

  • :The Awesome. I’ll start tidying up. Thank you very much!!

  • Probably these searches will come from outside the same class. My idea is that this side of the application I am doing is a server. The request for querys will come from a web client application, which I still don’t know how to do. kkk. But that’s the goal of this little project of mine, learning to integrate databases with java applications, then learning to build web applications and communicate with a server...

  • As in this application, database queries will be frequent, wouldn’t it be more appropriate to create this connection class with the BD as a Singleton that stays open throughout the operation of the application? You said that it’s less confusing to create the Connection object locally, but it’s not too expensive, creating and destroying the connection all the time?

  • @Lucaspletsch Yes it is. It happens that for those who are at an initial level, I recommend doing so to avoid doing nonsense. At an intermediate level, you can save the connection object and mount a transaction scope with it (just like I did in this answer). At a more advanced level (which is what I do in my projects), I keep the connection open and when I go to do an operation on it, I check if it was not closed spontaneously (ex: inactivity at dawn) and if it has been, I shall reopen everything in a transparent manner to the method using it.

  • I suspected from the beginning. kkk

  • Another question: if I’m going to present these results in html, for example, do I need to do all this formatting of the table in java? Or I can return only the resultset and table display questions are dealt with in front-end, with html for example...?

  • 1

    @Lucaspletsch There are several ways to do this. You can assemble HTML in Java, you can use JSP, you can use JSF, you can use a templating tool (Velocity, mustache, Thymeleaf, freemarker, etc.), you can format as XML, JSON or something else and mount HTML in Javascript with jQuery, anyway, there are many ways, and possibly you may need to use more than one of them. Be that as it may, if you are not using Jackson, GSON, JAXB or anything else that generates JSON/XML directly from the object, it is best to add specific methods in Linha and Tabela for that reason.

  • 1

    @Lucaspletsch However, the rule here is not to leave the ResultSet open. First you read everything from the database and you build an object in memory that represents all that you read, and then you do something with that object. The exception would be if what you are loading from the database is something that has several megabytes or gigabytes deserving to be treated and consumed while the ResultSet is still open, but this is much more difficult and laborious to do properly and as your case is simple, it is better to leave it for when you are much more experienced with Java.

  • I didn’t understand because in the second "format" method of the line class, you add spaces to adjust the width of the cell. Does this cell no longer have the size of the contents contained in it, + the initial space? Since the sizesColumn[i] array contains the individual size of each cell, which is set according to the size of the contents contained in it (sizesColumns[i] = t, in the computationTamanho()), given.length and sizesColumns[i] would not have the same value?

  • 1

    @Lucaspletsch The field strings dados class Linha do not have the additional spaces, they are added precisely in the method formatar. The second for is to fill in the missing spaces. The space added in the if is to separate one column from the other. The method computarTamanho only calculates the sizes, it does not add spaces in any string (these added only in the method formatar). Thus, dado.length() and tamanhosColunas[i] will usually be different values.

  • This history of delegating the SQL mount out: you mean: my application already receives the string with SQL ready?

  • 1

    On point 4, you could put the famous phrase: every exception sewn without being correctly treated kills a fairy

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