I have this page (Tabbedpage) that creates two tabs:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<TabbedPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
<NavigationPage Title="Indicadores">
<OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="FileImageSource">
<On Platform="iOS" Value="tab_about.png"/>
<views:Indicadores />
<NavigationPage Title="Paineis">
<OnPlatform x:TypeArguments="FileImageSource">
<On Platform="iOS" Value="tab_feed.png"/>
<views:PaineisPage />
The thing is, I’m not getting to qualify NavigationBar
or at least create a panel above tabpages
. The ideal would be to enable the NavigationBar
, this would be ideal for me. How it works. When opening the App
, it lands on a login screen. When you log in, then you enter the MainPage
and in it the TabPages
. If I try to exeibiate the NavigationBar
does not give any error, but does not display. Or she is Hide or the TabPages
are "killing" her. Below my codes.
public partial class MainPage : TabbedPage
public MainPage ()
InitializeComponent ();
NavigationPage.SetHasNavigationBar(this, true);
the login screen
public void Login_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
LoginService svc = new LoginService();
LoginRS res = svc.Login(txtUsuario.Text, txtSenha.Text);
if (res != null && res.Success )
App.LooggedUser = res;
Application.Current.MainPage = new MainPage();
else if(res != null && ! res.Success)
lblErroLogin.Text = res.Exception;
lblErroLogin.Text = "Não foi possível realizar o Login, por favor verifique sua conexão com a Internet";
and my App.xaml.Cs
public App()
if (!IsUserLoggedIn)
MainPage = new NavigationPage(new LoginPage());
MainPage = new NavigationPage(new MainPage());
Diego, thanks for the explanation. I will test and put the result. The advantage here, is that despite being Forms, this project will run only on Android, Ufa!!
– pnet
Diego, just one question, how do I make Navigationbar backgroundcolor different color? I’m trying on Mainpage and it’s giving error. How do I do?
– pnet
@pnet, do you mind posting this as another question? This is a common point of doubt in the community and I think it would be easier for others to find the answer if the question is dedicated exclusively to this. (y) Thanks!
– Diego Rafael Souza
Yes, of course, actually it’s another question. Sorry. I’ll open another thread.
– pnet