Delphi Consuming Processing


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my Delphi XE3 is consuming an absurdity of processing, when I type a command as soon as I finish it starts processing, as if it was going to open the auto-complete screen but it takes too long, the hourglass starts spinning and takes too long, I keep typing the word and waiting for the hourglass to disappear and the text appears. I have checked viruses, already deactivated anti-virus, installed on another computer and over time the same happens.

has to decrease or take the autocomplete screen to not process so much?

  • Some things you could clarify: Does this occur in every project you open/create in this installation? If you create a new project, does Code Insight slow down as well? Do you use third-party Addons/tools installed in your IDE? And is working with local files or on a network drive?

  • I am working on local machine network, I do not use third party tools, which causes strangeness and that this did not occur, I am working with the open task manager only to analyze consumption, when I type something that Code Code Insight processing goes up from 10% to 75 to 90%, until the letters I typed is pending and only appears after processing, My machine and a second generation I7 8G memory, Delphi XE3 "Original", third party components installed on Delphi, ACBR only. By the way, I’ve passed full Antivirus.

  • Disable "Error Insight".

1 answer


Code Insight has some problems, especially in large projects.

To disable enter in Tools > Options > Options Editor > Code Insight and change the delay to None

Janela de Opções do Editor

A great alternative that I use is Cnpack, the Codeinput Helper functionality, is faster, records the most used methods and does the recognition by the middle or end of the method, not just by the beginning.

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