Update table so that a field has a unique value


Viewed 57 times


How can I update a record in Mysql so that when I change a field of this record all other records change so that this field has a unique value? for example, I have a table called players and a field called artiheiro, that basically will receive a boolean value, only to say that this player is a scorer or not, and as there can be no more than one scorer player... when change some record for some record to artilheiro = 1 all other records automatically change to artilheiro = 0

  • It seems to me a strange solution to your problem, but if you want to solve it the way you yourself suggested you can create a trigger for that reason.

  • the first idea that occurred to me was: first update the current scorer to 0 and then update the scorer to 1

  • Why, Sorack? I should "reset" everyone before and update the specific?

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1 answer


You can create a TRIGGER that does what has been described:

CREATE TRIGGER trg_jogadores_ai AFTER UPDATE ON jogadores
  IF (NEW.artilheiro = 1) THEN
    UPDATE jogadores
       SET artilheiro = 0
     WHERE id <> NEW.id
       AND artilheiro = 1;

In the TRIGGER above you will check if the record has been changed to artilheiro = 1 and if this has occurred will UPDATE in all records that do not have the same id and who have artilheiro = 1 for 0.

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