linked and underlined text in the edge


Viewed 119 times


Hello, I am editing some pages in C#, and I have a validation page where will be listed some radio buttons options with the data for confirmation. The problem is that when CPF numbers are listed they are linked and underlined in the Edge.

I’ve used the text-decoration:none; in all tags but only works on one of the radiobutton.

Follow picture:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

Follows code:

  <div class=" container opcoes2">
     <table style="color:#464a51; text-decoration:none;">
        <tr >
          <td style="text-align:left; color:#464a51;text-decoration:none;" ><asp:RadioButton runat="server" ID="rdOpcao1" GroupName="Opcao" ForeColor="#464a51" Font-Size="14" style="text-decoration:none;"/></td>


      <td style="text-align:left; color:#464a51;text-decoration:none;" "><asp:RadioButton runat="server" ID="rdOpcao2" GroupName="Opcao" ForeColor="#464a51" Font-Size="14" style="text-decoration:none;" /></td>



      <td style="text-align:left; color:#464a51;text-decoration:none;"><asp:RadioButton runat="server" ID="rdOpcao3" GroupName="Opcao" ForeColor="#464a51" Font-Size="14" style="text-decoration:none;" /></td>



        <td style="text-align:left; color:#464a51;text-decoration:none;"><asp:RadioButton runat="server" ID="rdOpcao4" GroupName="Opcao" ForeColor="#464a51" Font-Size="14" style="text-decoration:none;" /></td>




  • Camila, post your full code to make it easier to identify. Do these radios have Abels attached to them to display the text? In the example, you are setting the text-decoration:none radio and not text tag

  • A tip, always post your code here, click on "Save" and post the URL link, I guarantee that this way you will always receive quick responses.

  • Valeu Jorge!!

  • My great difficulty is that the Labels do not get explicit in the code, only the call of the c#

  • In this case, you need to know where these texts are written to then take the class/id and declare the rule in css. Do the following, Inspecione this element on the page and see the element that is written in the text and take the class and apply the rule in css. If you have difficulty, post the print here in the comments.

  • is, ta coming inside a link, shows the output that appears in the browser, the compiled

  • The ! important also did not work.

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1 answer


Camila, as mentioned above, you need to know where these texts are written to then take the class/id and declare the rule in css. Possibly coming from within a link, do the following in css: .opcoes2 table a { text-decoration: none;} and see the result.

  • I used this css, but it didn’t work . opcoes2 label { text-Decoration:None; }

  • Maybe there’s some other rule overriding that, important . Do so: opcoes2 table label { text-decoration:none !important; }

  • I tried too but it doesn’t work

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