Note the image below:
You can see that the field ZIP CODE is quite different from the countryside State and City, I am aware that the field settings ZIP CODE is due to the Angular Primeng features and the State and City field are not inheriting these settings due to different use of tags.
I’ve made several attempts to format the State and City field to look like the ZIP code, could you help me with that? please.
It refers to this code below;
<div class="ui-g-12 ui-lg-3 ui-md-4 ui-fluid">
<p-inputMask mask="99999-999" type="text" name="cep" ngModel #cep="ngModel" required></p-inputMask>
<app-message [control]="cep" error="required"
text="Informe um cep"></app-message>
<div class="ui-g-12 ui-lg-3 ui-md-4 ui-fluid">
<select name="estado" id="estado" [(ngModel)]="uf" (change)="buscarCidades()">
<option *ngFor="let estado of estados" [value]="estado.codigo">{{estado.nome}}</option>
<div class="ui-g-12 ui-lg-3 ui-md-4 ui-fluid">
<select name="cidade" id="cidade">
<option *ngFor="let cidade of cidades" [value]="cidade.codigoEstado">{{cidade.nome}}</option>
It’s these fields that I’m having trouble formatting with CSS and Bootstrap:
<div class="ui-g-12 ui-lg-3 ui-md-4 ui-fluid">
<select name="estado" id="estado" [(ngModel)]="uf" (change)="buscarCidades()">
<option *ngFor="let estado of estados" [value]="estado.codigo">{{estado.nome}}</option>
<div class="ui-g-12 ui-lg-3 ui-md-4 ui-fluid">
<select name="cidade" id="cidade">
<option *ngFor="let cidade of cidades" [value]="cidade.codigoEstado">{{cidade.nome}}</option>
Adding a padding and border in the same color as the zip code is no good?
– Sam
but my problem is not in the ZIP field.
– wladyband
Yes, I meant the selects.
– Sam
Is there no bootstrap configuration you can do that? because if I’m going to put a padding and a border will not look the same as the zip code, because adding the settings in the hand will not look the same, at least if I do, because I have little experience with CSS
– wladyband
If you padde and change the border color it looks exactly the same.
– Sam
I’ll make my attempt, if I can’t I’ll post here my attempt.
– wladyband