Input type button does not work on smaller screens


Viewed 203 times


I’m editing some pages in C# and I checked that on screens smartphones the button confirms the type button doesn’t work. Follows code:

<input type="button" id="bt_confirmar" value="CONFIRMAR" onclick="javascript: criptografar();" class="btn btn-confirmar " tabindex="4"  /> 

I honestly have no idea why, if anyone could help, I would be very grateful!!

  • Heed!! Use your code with tags pre and code. This way people will be able to see the code. If you don’t, your code will be hidden and at all times can be edited by another user to improve the reading of it.

  • I tried, but I couldn’t...until deleted the last post

  • Use the shortcut Ctrl + K with the code selected, this way it will be visible and indented correctly.

  • I managed to enter the code in the post

  • Only Camila with btn Input code will be hard to say anything. This is probably a CSS problem tied to some Media Querie style sheet. If possible post your competo CSS as well. Link for you to find out about Media Querie:

  • Sometimes if tested on even smarthphone, it may not accept javascript written and it does not run even, test in other mobile browsers if applicable

  • hugocsl - I didn’t post the css because 3 css files were created for this system, and it’s all too widespread, but your tip that the problem is coming from Medias Querie already confirmed a suspicion.

  • Anderson Henrique - I’ll try this tip you gave too.

  • The problem was in Javascript, but it was not I who solved, stayed for Backend to solve, as soon as I know exactly what was done I put here, It is very rushed for the system to air.

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1 answer


The problem was in Javascript, but it was not I who solved, was for Back - end resolve.

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