Strange expressions in PHP


Viewed 47 times


Someone explains why this:


   $world = _("World"); 
   $str = <<<EOF
    echo $str;


generates this:




what would that be <<<, EOF, <p>$world</p>, _("World");. Finally I wanted to understand what these things are that I’ve never seen developing in everyday life PHP

We can define anything after <<< EOF?

It would be right to develop PHP with html using this? if yes why? if not why ?

Example, instead:

echo "<table><tr><td>".$titulo."</td></tr></table>";

or so:

<table><tr><td><?php echo $titulo ?></td></tr></table>

Write that:

$minha_tabela = <<<EOF
  <td>titulo e $titulo</td>

//apenas dando esse echo mostro minha tabela aonde eu quero
echo $minha_tabela;
  • As to the _('world'); or it may be a user-defined function with that name or it is the extension to add translation to the site called gettext

  • still has <p>$word</p> without echo

  • the <<<QUALQUERCOISA $variable QUALQUERCOISA; will concatenate the variables you pass when you use the echo. Is the same as sprintf("Hello %s", $world) or echo "Hello $world";

  • The <p>$word</p> this inside the EOF, so it is not PHP expression, but HTML saved inside the value of the variable

  • 2

    Being correct or not is very relative. Actually these <<<QUALQUER_COISA is just one more way to print multiple lines with an interpolation/concatenation of variables. . I use it this way when I do something in cli.

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