How to hide the arrow back in Xamarin?


Viewed 265 times


In my mobile application I wouldn’t want there to be an option to go back to the home page, because if I do this, the person goes back to the login screen. How do I remove this arrow just from this page?

1 answer


In XAML you can hide the button through Attachedproperty HasBackButton of NavigationPage thus:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns=""
    <!-- Conteúdo da sua página -->

In the codebehind it would be like this:

namespace SeuNamespace.Views 
    public partial class SuaPage : ContentPage
        public SuaPage()
            NavigationPage.SetHasBackButton(this, false);

Remember that there will always be the possibility for the user to use the back button of the hardware. In this case, you can deal with overriding the handler of the corresponding event via the method OnBackButtonPressed of the returning page true. Thus:

protected override bool OnBackButtonPressed()
    // Alguma lógica de tratamento
    return true;
  • Really I did similarly yesterday and it worked... Anyway thank you very much!!!

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