Problem importing reference to EZ Commerce web service


Viewed 176 times



I would like to know if anyone has already imported directly by Genexus the definitions for the integration webservices with EZ Commerce.

My problem is that the EZ Commerce webservices require authentication (Clientcredentials), and in Genexus' WSDL Import option, it does not display screen to enter the authentication user and password.

In Visual Studio I can add the service reference without problems, the VS itself displays the screen to inform the authentication credentials.

Thanks for any help.

The details of the error that occurs to me below:


The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized. (System)

------------------------------ Product = Genexus 15 Version = 15.0.119728 U8

------------------------------ Program Location:

At System.Net.Httpwebrequest.Getresponse() at System.xml.Xmldownloadmanager.Getnonfilestream(Uri, Icredentials credentials, Iwebproxy proxy, Requestcachepolicy cachePolicy) at System.xml.Xmldownloadmanager.Getstream(Uri Uri, Icredentials credentials, Iwebproxy proxy, Requestcachepolicy cachePolicy) at System.xml.Xmlurlresolver.Getentity(Uri absoluteUri, String role, Type ofObjectToReturn) at System.xml.Xmltextreaderimpl.Finishinituristring() at System.xml.Xmltextreaderimpl.. ctor(String uriStr, Xmlreadersettings Settings, Xmlparsercontext context, Xmlresolver uriResolver) at System.xml.Xmlreadersettings.Createreader(String inputUri, Xmlparsercontext inputContext) at System.xml.Xmlreader.Create(String inputUri, Xmlreadersettings Settings, Xmlparsercontext inputContext) at Artech.GeneXus.Inspectors.WSDLInspectorDialog.getServiceReader(String url) at Artech.GeneXus.Inspectors.WSDLInspectorDialog.Loadwebservice(String url) at Artech.GeneXus.Inspectors.WSDLInspectorDialog.inspectService(String url)


  • Have you tried any contact with Genexus' support?

  • Hello Leandro. Yes, we opened incident by Genexus support channel today too.

1 answer



The best way, in this case, is to save the wsdl in file, by browser, and then import the file by wsdl inspector.

Either way, you will have to change the code to re-authenticate by making use of the data type Location.

It’ll look something like this: &Location = Getlocation([Namecabjetoexternodowsimportado]) &Location.user=&usuario &Location.password=&password &Webservice.metodo()

  • Hello Sandro, thanks for the return. More or less that’s what the Artech people gave me.

  • I appreciate the feedback. It would be interesting to mark as answer to the question, to help other people who have the same question.

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