Problems with animation


Viewed 31 times


There is an animation in the game that of the attacking character with the sword, ah sword and an image behind the character, the code draws like this. but my real problem is with Index, when the player goes through a kind of portal to go to another map, the i ends up being Nill

  # * Atualização do ataque
  def update_attack
      for i in 1..$game_temp.Player_HighIndex 
      if $game_system.PlayerAttacking(i)
      if @createdanim[i] == 0 
      if @createdanim[i].nil?

    if @anim.nil? || @count.nil? || @icon_index.nil? || @createdanim.nil?
      @anim = []
      @count = []
      @icon_index = []
      @createdanim = []


    for i in 1..$game_temp.Player_HighIndex
    if @count[i] && @count[i] >= 0
      @anim[i].x = 1
      @anim[i].x = (StructManager.Player(i).X + 1 ) * 32 + Position[StructManager.Player(i).Dir][0] - 16
      @anim[i].y = (StructManager.Player(i).Y + 1 ) * 32 + Position[StructManager.Player(i).Dir][1] - 5
      case @count[i]
      when 12; set_angle(i, 0)
      when 9; set_angle(i, 1)
      when 6; set_angle(i, 2)
      when 3; set_angle(i, 3)
      when 0
        @anim[i].bitmap = nil
        @count[i] = nil
        @anim[i].visible = false
        @anim[i] = nil
        $game_system.SetPlayerAttacking(i, false)
        @createdanim[i] = 0
      @count[i] -= 1 if @count[i]
    @createdanim[i] == 0


In the case

if @createdanim[i] == 0 

ends up being if @createdanim[Nill] == 0 if the player presses the Z of but when passing through the portal.

but in the event it would have to be the i of the player(for i in 1..$game_temp.Player_HighIndex).

I want to know how do I make the animation not happen if the i for Null or even he repeated the animation if it is Null

Any hints because I already try to use one return if @createdanim[i] == Nill or false but maybe I did it the right way.

Possible solution.

I think you already understand the source of the problem, the i player only updates once, in case I press the Z button for the second time the i = 0.

That’s where the

if @createdanim[i] == 0

when the player changes the map def update_attack updates and the i is no longer zero, so you’re rolling a bug since this two action is done at the same time.

then in case I have to do the def update_attack be called every time the person presses Z, for ta always updating the i of the player.

  • Honestly I could not understand any of this doubt. Which language? Click on EDIT and explain the problem better.

  • RGSS3 I think it’s called Ruby.

  • But your doubt is still very confusing. I suggest you click EDIT and be clearer on it. See [Ask] how can you make her better.

  • Look this here to facilitate why I can’t explain better I hope it helps. I want to know how do I make the animation not happen if i’m Null or even it repeated the animation if it’s Null

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