Transmission Methods Sícrono, Assícrono and Isócrona: How to define the type on site?


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It is possible to define the method of data transmission from a website to a user so that it is Sícrono, Assícrono or Isorona?

  • As far as I know, as a network layman, Voce can use javascript to use asynchronous functions with async. If you want to do for example a chat, websockets would be a good one. I talked about websockets because Ajax is 'asynchronous'. The javascript itself is already synchronous. Now if I’m without notions, talking with nothing correct me.

  • What’s your definition of synchronous, asynchronous and that third chrono I’ve never heard of?

  • Asynchronous - A physical medium is inactive for a certain time between two transmissions; Synchronous - Transmits the bits continuously, without idle time; Isochronous- In fact it is not a new mechanism, but it is like a way to use synchronous transmission.

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