Modal window (Boostrap) is not visible


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Good afternoon, you guys.

I’m starting to study web development and I’m having a hard time making a modal (Bootstrap) visible. After I call the link that will show the modal, I even realize that it is present on the page (the links behind are "disabled" when I hover over), but the components do not appear. What could I be doing wrong?

  • I think I know what the problem is. What is reported in the console when you run the page?

  • @wmsouza, this was not the case (I had already tested this). When I removed the attribute "href" the link ceases to be a link, it was disabled.

  • By default Bootstrap prevents the standard event of elements with data-toggle="modal". Therefore, regardless of the link have href="pagina.php" or href="#", what will prevail is the modal toggle event.

1 answer


Your problem may be related to the javascript you are using.

Bootstrap has specific versions. To use Bootstrap 4.0.0, you will need css and javascript in the same version.

How are you utilizing the Bootstrapcdn to include CSS, I advise you to pull Javascript from there as well:

<script src=""></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">

That alone seems to solve your problem.

Remembering that it is recommended to load all scripts just before tag closing <boby>.

Some errors found in your code:

  • Double loading of jQuery
  • Scripts loaded into the page head

I may be mistaken, but I think you are loading the Fontawesome wrong. The correct thing would be to load a CSS file that can be found here.

  • And if that’s not the problem? I think I should wait AP of an opinion!

  • @wmsouza I did the test on my machine, and that was the only problem found. I believe I should expect an opinion from the author of the question before downvoting something totally related to the question.

  • Solved it, @Danielbonifácio. I followed his considerations and, just in case, removed the uploads I had and took them all from the Bootstrap site to work via CDN. It was pasting the links taken from the main page ( that the modal appeared correctly. Thanks, folks!!

  • @Genivaldosilva I’m glad I helped! : D

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